Chapter 1

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March 2021

Noah POV

The pandemic was the hardest for me. I have a very strong bond with my family and not being able to see them made it very difficult for me. But that didn't last long since I had finally traveled to Los Angeles from Tanzania to surprise my mother for her birthday.

I arrived in Los Angeles a couple of days ago, but I decided to go to an airbnb waiting for my covid result, which was negative.

"Max, é hora de ver a mãe" I told my Golden Retriever. (Max, it's time to see mom)

Before continuing with the story, I would like to introduce myself.

My name is Noah De Oliveira, I am 32 years old and I am Brazilian. I was born in Belo Horizonte and because of my father's job we had to move to the United States when I was 4 years old.

I am a Vet, I studied in Australia and moved to Tanzania where I work in a rescue center for animals of all kinds.

My childhood was incredible, I had many friends with whom I am still in contact with the exception of one, who broke my heart and was the one who made my decision to study in another country come true.

Now what we came for. After handing over the apartment keys, I took an Uber, which had no problem with my dog getting into his car.

I thanked him when we got to the address. I lowered my suitcase, my bagpack and sighed when I saw the house where I was raised.

I noticed several cars in front of the house, which I didn't find suspicious since it was my mother's birthday.

I used the key I had and thank god my parents haven't changed the lock. I slowly entered leaving my things next to the door and smiled when I heard my mother's laugh from the living room.

I walked slowly and Max was behind me. When I got to the living room there was a silence, but not an uncomfortable one.

"Não vai dar um abraço no seu filho?" I asked with a smile as I opened my arms. (Won't you give your son a hug?)

"MEU DEUS!" I heard my mother scream as she ran to me to wrap her in my arms. (OH MY GOD!)

"Feliz aniversario, mãe" I said feeling how my tears began to flow from my eyes. (Happy Birthday, mom)

I needed this hug from my mother. I had to suspend my trip in 2019 as I had a lot of work and when the whole Covid thing started it made it impossible for me to travel.

"Eu não posso acreditar que você está aquí" She said placing her hands on my cheeks "Você é mais magro" She said making me laugh. (I can't believe you're here) (You're thinner)

"Ana, não incomode o menino, ele parece bem" My father said suddenly "Que alegria que você está aquí" (Ana, don't bother the boy, he looks good) (I'm glad you're here)

My father hugged me tightly and when we separated, behind him came my brothers Bruno and Felipe.

"Irmão sentimos muito sua falta" Lipe said hugging me. (Brother we miss you a lot)

"Você parecia mais bonito no Facetime" Bruno said and my mother hit him on the head. (You looked cuter on facetime)

"NOAH!" I heard my little sister scream "NÃO PODE SER". (CAN'T BE)

My sister ran towards me so fast that when her body collided with mine it made me stagger.

"Olá, pequeña" I said leaving a kiss on her temple. (Hello, Little girl)

When I moved away from my sister's embrace my gaze went behind her.

My brow furrowed and I quickly covered it to avoid questions. My heart began to beat a thousand per hour. My hands began to sweat and I felt my legs betray me.

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