Chapter 5

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I had a horrible headache and could barely remember the night before.

When I went down to have breakfast with my family, I noticed that Lipe and Bruno were just as quiet as me.

"Parece que você teve uma ótima noite" My father said laughing. (Looks like you had a great night)

"Eu te diria se eu pudesse me lembrar"I said receiving the cup of coffee to my mom "Obrigado". (I would tell you if I could remember) (Thank you)

"Shhh, você está falando muito alto" I heard Bruno say. (Shhh, you're talking too loud)

"Não beba tanto se não quiser ficar de ressaca" My mother said. (Don't drink so much if you don't want to have a hangover)

"Bom Dia" We heard Ju say. (Good morning)

"Shhhh" Me and my brothers said at the same time.

"Ui, que temperamento" She said sitting in front of me "Mãe, Pai, posso almoçar na casa do Derek?". (Ug, what a temper) (Mom, Dad, can I go to Derek's house for lunch?)

"Quem diabos é Derek?" I asked confused. (Who the hell is Derek?)

"Meu namorado" Ju answered as if was happened. (My boyfriend)

"Você não tem namorado" I said frowning. (You don't have a boyfriend)

"Sobre nosso cadáver, Juliana" Lipe said seriously. (Over our dead body, Juliana)

"Mãe" She said pouting at my mother. (Mom)

"Ele é um bom menino" My mother said. (He's a good boy)

"Eu não me importo" I said drinking my coffee "Você não vai ter namorado". (I don't care) (You won't have a boyfriend)

"Sim claro" She said crossing her arms. (Yes, sure)

"Pai, você está bem com isso?" Bruno asked our father. (Dad, are you okay with this?)

"Como sua mãe disse, ele é um bom menino" Dad answered making us all snort. (As your mother said, he's a good boy)

"Um bom menino minha bunda" I said annoyed. (A good boy my ass)

"Noah" My mother scolded me "Não quero essa língua na minha casa". (I don't want that language in my house)

"Desculpe, mãe" I said taking another sip of coffee. (Sorry, mom)

"Quando você vai apresentá-lo para nós?" Lipe asked. (When are you going to present him to us?)

"Você está louco ou o quê?" Ju asked "Se ele vier, você é capaz de matá-lo com um único olhar." (Are you crazy or what?) (If he comes, you are capable of killing him with a single look.)

"Se ele te machucar, eu juro que..." I tried to say but she cut me off. (If he hurts you, I swear that)

"Que ele terá que lidar com você, eu sei." She said rolling her eyes. (That he will have to deal with you, I know.)

"Com todos nós" Bruno corrected her. (With all of us)

"Isso é o suficiente" Dad said laughing "Mas eu me incluo, Juliana. Se ele fizer alguma coisa com você, terá que lidar conosco". (That's enough) (But I include myself, Juliana. If he does anything to you, he'll have to deal with us.)

"Pai!" Ju said crossing her arms. (Dad!)

After breakfast, I decided to spend the rest of the morning in my old room. I tried to sleep, but my phone wouldn't stop vibrating. I took it to see who it was and sighed when I saw that it was Elizabeth.

*Text Messages*

Elizabeth O:

Hey, good morning.

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