Letter 28

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Dear Lizzie,

My days in Australia have been pretty lonely. Without you my days are incomplete and my nights grow longer.

I can't not think about you, every night, with every moon, looking at the stars, that's the only way I can feel you close.

As much as I try to distract myself to forget you, it is impossible for me to achieve it and sometimes I wonder if one day I will get you out of my heart and my head.

As the days go by I realize that I love you more, you become part of me and I feel you with every beat that my heart gives.

I miss the little things.

I miss the little details.

I miss your beautiful green eyes and your smile.

I feel empty without you. Like an ocean without a sea.

I have not made up my mind whether to send you this letter. But most likely it will be saved with the other 27 letters that I have already written to you.

I hope all your dreams come true.

With love, Noah.


Hey guys,

Well, I decided to add some of the letters during the course of this story.

I hope you like it.

Take care and remember to drink water.

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