Chapter 4

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Cody and the others arrived at the concert where the Battle of the Bands was happening. The place was huge with lots of demons of all kinds, both Hell-born and sinner demons. Common lower demons, demon Overlords, demon royalty, and even Lucifer and Lilith showed up. Charlie, Vaggie, Alastor, and Nifty came too along with Charlie's bodyguards Razzle and Dazzle. Stolas and his daughter Octavia were on their way but haven't arrived yet.

Two years have passed since Loona came into Cody's life and he began living in Hell with her and Blitzo. Cody has grown a little since then getting a little taller and bigger. Loona was growing her hair out. She still had long hair on her left side, but the part of her head that used to be shaved now had short hair.

Cody was wearing dark blue jeans, his normal tennis shoes, and a black T-shirt with a red satanic pentagon on it. She was wearing a red mid-drift shirt that had a bunch of black upside-down crosses, black jean shorts with black leggings, and a choker with a silver pendant. Crymini was wearing a black and white striped skirt with a black T-shirt that had a big red dog paw print on it. Vortex was wearing his ripped jeans and Punisher Skull T-shirt. They felt more comfortable dressed casually whereas other bands were wearing uniforms and jacked-up hairdos with makeup. There were ones that dressed normally like Cody and his band, but not a lot.

"Yeesh, talk about overdoing it, huh Cody?" Crymini nudged him.

"Yeah, even the members of Kiss would say tone it down," Cody agreed.

"Some aren't so bad, like those guys. Although, what are on those shirts that those guys are wearing?" Vortex pointed.

"Yeah, what symbol is that? A pelican or a school bus?" Loona sided.

Cody and the others shrugged.

Then of all demons, Wally Wackford walked on stage to announce the event was happening.

"I say, I say, it is with great pride and pleasure that the Battle of the Bands is about to commence! Each band will play four songs and you the audience are the judge. The cheer-odometer here rises by the amount of cheering and love that you folks have for the bands' music! Band with the best rate wins! The band that wins will choose their prizes from the prize island there and will receive a special prize from our dark lord Lucifer himself! Now, I say, I say, let's ROCK!!!" Wally hollered on the microphone and it got the crowd cheering,

The stage was big with lots of loudspeakers, and a giant plaza screen so that the audience far away could get a better look at the bands playing. Since it was October, the stage had Halloween features for each band playing like hanging skeletons with glowing red eyes, a big dragon head that'd breathe fire, tombstones that had zombie hands coming out that'd give the rock and roll hand sign, and giant evil looking pumpkins that had devilish smiles. There were also fog machines and flashing lights in different colors.

The first band went up and they were alright, even though the crowd wasn't going too wild. The cheer-odometer was in the middle yellow. The second band was real heavy metal like Slipknot, which Cody and his friends didn't mind at all, but half of the time they couldn't make out the lyrics. The cheer odometer rose a little higher than the first band, half songs were good, other half was meh.

The third band however was the worst. The crowd wasn't even cheering and just stared at them awkwardly. They didn't even finish the third song, because one of the teenage musicians cracked and had a nervous breakdown. Everyone laughed at them as they were arguing while trying to get off the stage, including Loona and Crymini. The fourth band was much better and got the cheer odometer to just barely over the border high in the green. This was gonna be tough. Cody took several deep breaths inhaling through his nose and exhaling through his mouth while pacing back and forth. Loona caught wind of this and didn't waste a second to confront him.

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