Chapter 10

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The next day Verosika came and her crew came over to the office while Blitzo and M&M were out killing targets with Shadow and Kimi. Loona and Vortex were waiting on Stolas to call them and tell them that the meeting with Lucifer and King Paimon was a go. Cody explained the whole thing, everything that Jesus told him and his friends, he told them.

"Corruption in Heaven? Are you serious?" Kiki asked.

Cody nodded.

"That's why there are overpopulation problems here in Hell? The angels are denying the mass majority of people access into Heaven?" Kat questioned.

Cody nodded again.

"Well, excuse my language, but holy shit," Coco said.

"I'll be double-dog damned," Josh said.

"Those high and mighty bastards," Ace groaned.

Apple stated, "It somehow makes sense because this is something that they would do. Kind of like how the government would be willing to nuke one of their own cities to save the rest of the country."

"What are you thinking Verosika?" Milky turned to her crossing her arms.

Verosika was tapping her chin silently while thinking.

Then she asked Cody, "Your parents were Sinner Coyotes? Soul Smugglers, right?"

"That's what Jesus said," Cody shrugged.

"Okay, then how would sinner demons reach out to them? That's where we need to look. Because for people like your parents to smuggle them, they need someone to contact them. I'm thinking that since Hell-born demons like us can access the human world, sinner demons would have to reach out to them and they reach out to people like your parents."

"Like they know a guy who knows a guy who knows these people, right?" Ace questioned.

"Precisely. These people are connected. Cody, did your parents have some kind of secret room? Something where they'd keep things safe and locked for no one else to see? Because they must have a spell book like the Prince's Grimoire," Verosika explained.

Cody thought for a moment, "Uh . . . there was a basement that my dad used. I think that's where their safe was – where they kept their social security cards and passports. Maybe it's in there. But I don't know if the fire damaged anything down there or not."

Verosika shrugged, "It's worth the look. Meanwhile, we need to look around Pentagram City. Sinner demons don't have access to any other ring except Pride. Somebody knows something."

"Yeah, but we have to look where a sinner demon would look. Think maybe an Overlord knows?" Josh asked.

"Probably. So, how about half of us look for that while the other half digs through to the basement at Cody's house," Ace proposed.

"Works for me, but I call dibs on Pentagram City. I'm not getting my hands dirty digging in the rumble," Kiki crossed her arms.

Coco rolled her eyes, "Ugh, girl don't be a wittle wuss. We all get our hands dirty."

"Whatever slu—ah, I mean trollop."

"Fine, we'll do the heavy lifting but you girls need to be discreet," Kat stated.

Then before anyone knew it, the window of the office blew open and crumbled by some strange metal ball of robotic tentacles. Two strange sinner demons appeared, one was tall and skinny wearing a onesie with a green question mark on his chest, red gloves, green boots and swirly glasses, and a black stovepipe hat. He had a curvy mustache and big red horns that were sticking out of both sides of his hat. The other demon was short and round wearing a bowler hat, a green vest with green gloves, and red glasses. His big mustache was wavy and the lower half of his body was a big ball.

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