Chapter 7

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Blitzo lit a thick tobacco wrap Black & Mild and relaxed on the bed after delivering Stolas his desired kinky BDSM sex. Stolas laid back sighing in pure delight relishing the bliss. Blitzo untied the binds around Stolas's wrists and ankles. Stolas took off the blindfold as Blitzo handed him a spare Black & Mild.

"That was amazing as usual Blitzy," Stolas grinned.

Blitzo groaned, "Ugh, can you for once say my name right?"

"Oh shush, you know you love it. How's Cody and your Loony Toony?"

"They're both good. Cody and the others really rocked the Battle of the Bands. It's no wonder that they won."

Stolas nodded, "Yeah, the other bands were either a soft good or meh. Except for that one teen band that had a meltdown on stage and everyone laughed at them."

"Oh yeah, that was fucking hilarious. The way they cried like little dramatic bitches. I'm surprised the singer didn't piss himself on stage!" Blitzo laughed after he exhaled some smoke.

Stolas inhaled his Black & Mild and blew a big cloud of smoke, "Yeah, I'll admit. Their 'music' sounded more like noise than actual music. However, Cody has a phenomenal voice and his skills with the guitar are fantastic!"

"Speaking of which, I bet the news is loving them. Let's hear what they have to say."

Blitzo turned on the TV and the news was showing footage of Cody, Loona, Vortex, and Crymini rocking at the Battle of the Bands.

"Cody Laurent and his band dominated the stage and rocked the Battle of the Bands concert. Many demon royalties including King Lucifer, Queen Lilith, their daughter Princess Charlie, Prince Stolas, and his daughter Princess Octavia were there among the fifteen thousand audiences to witness what many are calling the performance of the century," the newscaster stated.

Blitzo couldn't help but smile at how proud he was of Loona and Cody. Stolas was happy as well, both for Loona and Cody, but also for Blitzo at how joyous he was now. They both watched as newscasters, music experts, and other demon celebrities talked about Cody's performance on stage.

A male demon imp guitarist with tattoos all over his neck and arms spoke, "I didn't think he could handle that double-neck guitar so well. Those aren't easy. He handled it a lot better than me. I tried it a few years back and I was rusty at it, but Cody handled it like a champ."

A female Hellhound singer with white dreadlocks spoke next, "I know, right? Despite his age, he's got a perfect set of pipes. He holds a note so smoothly. Just flawless. It's just a pleasure to come across a singer that sticks the landing with their voice."

However, as the news was about to talk more about Cody and his band, Channel 666 cut in with Katie Killjoy and Tom Trench. This caught Blitzo and Stolas by surprise and their smiles disappeared.

"We are cutting to breaking news live in downtown IMP City. What started as an initial explosion then lead to a shooting between a gang of armed demons and the demon Overlord Valentino," Katie Killjoy said seriously.

Tom Trench spoke next, "Now, there is a titanic and violent clash between Valentino and what looks like the renown famous human boy, Cody Laurent."

Blitzo and Stolas's eyes were wide open and their jaws dropped and exclaimed almost simultaneously, "WHAT?!!"

The news showed raw footage of Cody in his power form fighting Valentino in his full demon form. Blitzo and Stolas scrambled out of bed to get their clothes on and Blitzo frantically rushed to get his phone. Before he could call Loona, Moxxie was calling him.

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