(10) Family Dinner

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"this is me trying."

-Taylor Swift

"Perfect." Natasha grinned from Leora's side as the two finished up their training. With a grimace, Leora set the pistol in her hand down, grateful to be rid of the weapon. As effective as guns were, she found herself hating them. She couldn't stand the feel of them as they recoiled in her hand, couldn't stand the smell of gunpowder and metal. But, most of all, she couldn't stand the fact that they were so deadly. At least with her sword she had time to rethink her actions, but with a gun all it took was one wrong move and a life could be ended.

However, despite her immense dislike for the weapon, Leora excelled at shooting under Natasha Romanoff's tutorage. She went from barely hitting the targets to hitting the same bullet hole time after time. It had been a few months since Nick had asked Leora to join S.H.I.E.L.D, and in that time he had assigned Natasha to train her for the field. Which meant weapon training.

The pistol had been the last of the guns for Leora to master and after today, she would hopefully not have to touch a gun for a very long time.

When the two women had started training, Natasha had run sword drills with Leora which ended in Leora surprisingly beating the Widow. It was clear to see whatever she had done in her lost life had evolved a lot of sword play.

From swords they had moved onto hand to hand combat which they were still working on along with all the other things Natasha was making her do. Every morning she was expected to go on a three mile jog before working cardio and strength at the gym alongside Nat. Leora's pace had been slow in the beginning but as the months wore on, she built up her stamina, finding she could do more and more things while also lasting longer. She had been pleasantly surprised one morning to find her arms and legs beginning to tone with muscles.

"Well, that's enough for today, want to head back to the tower?" Nat picked up the pistol from where it lay in front of Leora, placing it in the holstor on her hip.

"Yeah, but can we stop to get something to eat first?" Leora asked, pulling her phone out of her pocket to check the time. It was 5:30, meaning they had finished thirty minutes earlier than usual.

"Sounds good to me, mind if I ask the team to join us?" Natasha questioned, pulling out her phone. As soon as Leora nodded, a ping ricochet through the space, alerting Leora that Nat had indeed sent a message.

Natty: getting food with lora at chelsea market. you boys are more than welcome to join

Steve: Sounds good,
I will head over theree in a

anThONY: rogers it's been three months since you've gotten a phone and you still don't know how to text

Steve Rogers: Tony I've
never haad
phoone before.

Green Machine: Leora and Thor could say the same and they both have the hang of it.

Leora: soo is that a yes or a no for food?

Clinny: On my way

Rolling her eyes, Leora turned her phone off and shoved it into her pocket. It buzzed as the two of them walked to the locker rooms, changing into their street wear. Leora found that she loved clothes and makeup. Everything about it was amazing and she honestly couldn't imagine a life without either of those two things.

Winter had fallen over the city of New York, meaning Leora had to bundle up if she wished to brave the streets. Today she wore black jeans and a white turtle neck top under a dark blue sweatshirt. Her boots were black, fitting over her jeans and matching with her water resistant overcoat. She went to pull her brown hair into a ponytail but decided to braid it instead, surprising herself with the fact that she knew how to do it. She distantly remembered she had a braid the night she 'woke up'. On instinct, her fingers grazed the mint ribbon in her pocket. It was the only thing she had left that connected her to her old life and Leora still carried it wherever she went.

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