(26) Sand?

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"Give peace a chance, let the fear you have fall away."

-Lana Del Rey

"I wasn't the youngest queen ever elected," Padme begins as we climb the steps towards the great palace, "but now that I think back on it, I'm not sure I was old enough. I'm not sure I was ready." The people of Naboo elected their Queens young, seeing wisdom in their youth and outlook on the world. Padme had been elected when she was around fourteen and was possibly one of the greatest queens of Naboo according to its people.

"The people you served thought you did a good job." Anakin offered, expressing my exact thoughts, "I heard they even tried to amend the constitution so you could stay in office."

At his words, a worn smile crossed the senator's face, "I was relieved when my two terms were up," Padme paused, her smile growing fond, "But when the queen asked me to serve as senator, I couldn't resist her."

It sounded like something Padme would do, she was always thinking about others before herself. It was something I admired, and an ideology that everyone around the galaxy should use. I inspected the beautiful architecture around us, my eyes catching on the great palace. It was breathtaking, the walls a pale stone, glistening in the sunlight. When I was younger I had read about the palace and the planet of Naboo, especially after the Trade Federation Blockade. Ever since then, I had always wanted to go, to see the beauty of the planet for myself. I didn't expect it to surpass my expectations.

"I agree with her, I think the Republic needs you. I'm glad you were chose to serve." Padme nodded in thanks to Anakin as we entered the palace. She walked between Anakin and I while R2 held up the rear. I turned my head to look back at the droid, grinning at him as I did so. The tiny unit beeped in acknowledgement just as we walked into the palace walls.

Entering the throne room, we found the council waiting for us. Queen Jamillia was sitting on her throne, already awaiting our arrival. She wore a stunning black with white accents, a headpiece adorning her hair.

"Your Majesty." Padme bowed low, Anakin and I following in suit, "May I present Jedi Padawans Anakin Skywalker and Leora Gallows." Padme motioned to us behind her. The Queen nodded her head in greeting, motioning for Padme to sit. Anakin and I took positions up behind her. Folding my hands behind my back, I took in the scene before me.

The council of Naboo was present, all sitting in a circle, the Queen at its head. Reaching out, I tasted their emotions, feeling their relief as they took Padme in. However, there was also a touch of underlying stress and uncertainty. It warmed my heart how much the people of Naboo cared for their former queen. From the emotions I just read, it seems they would do anything to protect her.

"If the senate votes to create an army, I'm sure it's going to push us into civil war." Padme's voice was certain as she sat down, I could tell there was a lot on her mind, things she needed to say as soon as possible.

Since the discovery of a dark Sith Lord who had been hiding in the shadows, things quickly became uneasy for the Republic and Jedi. But then planets began defecting to the Separatists, another group looking to take control of the galaxy. It was a messy scene that was only growing messier as the days passed. As much as I didn't want to admit it, Padme was right, the galaxy was currently on a tightrope and it would take only one small push to send it into full fledged chaos.

War was on the brink and everyone knew it.

"It's unthinkable!" A man scoffed, "There hasn't been a full-scale war since the formation of the Republic."

"Do you see any way through negotiations to bring the Separatists back to the Republic?" The Queen asked, turning to Padme, a worried expression on her face.

"Not if they feel threatened," Padme began, "My guess is they'll turn to the Trade Federations or the Commerce Guilds for help."

"It's outrageous." The same man from before spoke, "But after four trials in the Supreme Court, Nute Gunray is still the viceroy of the Trade Federation." He said the last words with such malice. During Padme's reign as Queen, the Trade Federation had created a blockade around Naboo, trying to force them into a treaty. However, after some help from a certain Skywalker and Kenobi, Naboo ended the conflict victoriously. "I fear the senate is powerless to resolve this crisis." The man continued.

"We must keep our faith in the Republic." Jamillia's voice was soft yet firm as she stood, "The day we stop believing that democracy can work is the day we lose it." She walked toward the exit, Padme, Anakin, and I followed her.

"Lets pray that day never comes." Padme twisted her hands together, I could feel her unease as we made our way through the palace.

"In the meantime, we must consider your own safety." The Queen sighed, shaking her head.

"What do you think you should do, Senator?" The man from earlier asked, coming to walk besides the Queen.

"I was thinking we could stay in the lake country." Padme smiled, "There are some places up there that are very isolated."

"Perfect!" The Queen's voice rang through the hall, "It's settled then."


We arrived by boat to the lake house that afternoon. Padme had changed from her refugee dress to one that reminded me of the dawn. It was beautiful, with pinks and purples and whites, it was something I would have worn every single day if Jedi were permitted to. But alas, I was stuck with my beige robes. Not that I was complaining.

"I used to swim to that island everyday when I was young." Padme sighed at a distant memory as she pointed towards a formation of rocks, "Maybe we can go out tomorrow." Her voice sounded hopeful and I nodded. Just because we had to protect her didn't mean we couldn't have any fun.

Everything about Naboo took my breath away, it was simply beautiful, especially the lake country. No wonder Padme had wanted to stay here, it was quiet, peaceful, and like she said, remote. The lakes and mountains seemed to stretch on for miles, all untouched land that called to me.

"Then we could lay out on the sand and let the sun dry us." Padme smiled wistfully, resting her hands on the railing and overlooking the lake once more.

"I hate sand." Anakin muttered from next to me, "It's coarse, dry, rough.. and it gets everywhere." I snorted, causing Anakin to look back at me, "Is there a problem Leora?" Anakin crossed his arms, raising an eyebrow. And while he had a joking manner, I could see a tinge of pink painting his cheeks.

"No, there isn't." I replied, taking a big breath, trying not to laugh. That was such a strange comment about sand. It was true, but very strange to say the least. Whatever, it didn't matter.

"Well then, what's your opinion on sand?" He asked, his other eyebrow raising.

I snorted once again, shaking my head, "I don't have one, I've been on Coruscant most of my life and any time I've been off planet, I haven't really been playing in the sand." My fingers wrung together, "I don't think I would like though."

"See Padme? Leora gets it!" Padme shook her own head at Anakin, holding up her hands in mock surrender.

"Leora I'm going to change your mind tomorrow, just you wait." The senator grinned, "We're going to have fun, even if there's a major threat on my life." I couldn't help but laugh.

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