(52) Innocent

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"Walking a tightrope with you."

-Michelle Williams

"We're here to see Ahsoka Tano." I give Commander Fox a tight smile, "I'm General Leora Gallows and this is General Skywalker." I motion to Anakin, thankful he let me do the talking.

Ahsoka had been arrested for orchestrating the bombing of the Jedi Temple and killing the woman she had 'paid' to do it. However, knowing Ahsoka, it's the last thing she would ever do. So now, we're currently in the prison's security rooms trying to see her.

"Admiral Tarkin has ordered that no one is allowed in there." The clone explains, I feel Anakin tense from beside me, this isn't good. He's been on edge from the moment Ahsoka was taken into custody for 'murdering' the woman responsible for the bombings.

"I don't care what she's accused of, let me in." Anakin's voice goes dangerously low as his fist pounds against the glass, causing Commander Fox to flinch.

"Please," I quickly cut Anakin off, "we just want to make sure she's alright."

"I'm sorry sirs." The clone says just as two other clones flank us, weapons in hand, "The Admiral's orders stand, this is now a military operation and under his jurisdiction." Anakin growls, brushing past the guards and towards the exit, I follow him out, shooting Commander Fox a slightly dirty look.

"Something is off." I mutter as Anakin and I walk down the hall, "I sense a dark presence here."

"Well of course something is off, Ahsoka is in prison for something she obviously did not do." Anakin mutters, I glance down to see his fingers curled into a fist.

"Anakin." I stop him in the hallway, placing a hand on his shoulder, "Everything is going to be ok, we'll get her out of here."

"You're right." Anakin sighs, bowing his head, "I'm just worried about her." His words go in and out and I find my world tilting from side to side, "Leora?" Anakin questions, his arms steading me, "Are you ok?"

"Yeah, I'm fine." I mumbled, rubbing my head as the world came to a pause, "Sorry about that."

"That has happened four times this week, you need to go see a doctor." Anakin's fingers smooth through my hair, "This isn't normal Leora."

"Sirs." Rex greets, rounding the corner of the hall and coming to stand in front of us, "I-"

We all flinch as Rex is cut off by a blaring alarm, "Surely not?" I ask Anakin who shakes his head.

"That's her, come on let's go!" Together, the three of us sprint down the hall, by passing the security room and entering the actual prison. Cutting right, Commander Fox's form greets us, kneeling down besides fallen clones-

All cut by lightsabers.

"Suspect has killed three clones." Fox says into his comn, "Code red, if you see the target, shoot to kill." My eyes widen at the order as we barrel towards the commander.

"Delay that order, Commander Fox!" Anakin yells down the hall, anxiety riddling his voice.

"She's killed troopers!" Fox protests, his own anger shining through.

"I know Commander Tano, she would never do something like this." Rex argues, his blue armor a contrast to Fox's red.

"Then who did?" Fox counters. Something tingles through me, causing me to look up.

"Quiet!" Anakin hisses, causing both of the clones to stop talking, "Ahsoka it's me Anakin." His voice echoes down the hall, "Stop running."

"You can't help me master." Ahsoka's voice echoes back, it sounds as though she's breathless from running, "Someone is setting me up."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14 ⏰

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