(2) New Friends

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"I wondered how I managed to end up in this place"

-Tama Impala

I assessed the room around me, watching from my little corner as agents rushed around the large command space. I was currently aboard the Helicarrier, a giant ship that was able to traverse the lands and the sea. It was where the S.H.I.E.L.D. Agency was currently established since their last base had collapsed. I shivered as memories of the crashing building filled my mind, it was a miracle so many had gotten out. 

Looking out the window, I couldn't help but smile as the clouds greeted me like an old friend, perhaps they were. Everything about the aura in this room felt so familiar... and yet, it wasn't. 

"Are you ready to meet the others?" Director Nick Fury asked, coming to stand by my side. I nodded, looking up at him to find a small smile on his face, "Don't worry, they're all bark and no bite." He promised with a wink, or at least I think he was winking, it was hard to tell since he only had one eye. 

Since my arrival, Nick had taken me under his wing, guiding me and teaching me everything he could in the limited time we had been around one another. He had taken the strange robes I had been wearing, replacing them with something a little more practical according to him. I was now dressed in a basic S.H.I.E.L.D. agent outfit, a tight black bodysuit. However, unlike my outfit, my hair was still the same as it had been four days ago, braided tightly against my skull with a mint ribbon woven into it. My brown locks were starting to fall out now, meaning I would have to redo them soon, if I could remember. 

I could remember basic things, like how to move, what some things were, and of course, my name, but there was a lot I didn't know. 

The doors on the far end opened and I turned to see two men walk into the main room. One had cropped blonde hair and brilliant blue eyes, the other had dark eyes and unruly hair that seemed to be black. I recognized the first to be Steve Rogers, Captain America. According to Nick, Rogers had been a hero in a war fought many years ago, resulting in him being frozen in ice until recently. He had been found just a few months ago, and like me, was struggling to find a place in the world around him. Nervously, my fingers played with the mint ribbon, twirling it around my finger. 

The other man was Doctor Bruce Banner. He had been experimenting in a lab with something called Gamma Rays, causing him to turn into a giant monster when he got angry. That had been the 'simple way of explaining things' according to Nick.  However, as I surveyed the man, I decided he looked nothing like a monster. He seemed to be timid and shy, his hands clasped together nervously in front of him as he looked around the room. 

"Gentlemen." Nick Drawled, walking towards the two. I watched as the captain looked around the room in awe, pulling a crisp looking bill from his pocket and handing it to Nick. The captain continued walking until he was at the Director's nest, his eyes scanning anything and everything, except for me. An expression I couldn't read crossed his face as he took a stance at the screens, as if he were about to take command. Maria Hill looked up at him from her station before catching my eye. I shrugged, making a face and causing her to laugh a bit. 

I liked Maria a lot, along with Nick and Phil Coulson, she had been helping me assimilate, briefing me on the mission at hand. According to her, S.H.I.E.L.D. had been experimenting with an unknown power called the Tesseract, accidently summoning Loki and me. From there, Loki had taken the minds of many agents, including a certain Clint Barton, along with the Tesseract. After that, he had blown up the base, and here we were, assembling a team that could stop him.

Now, I was an honorary S.H.I.E.L.D. member and had been dubbed Newbie by some of the other agents. According to Nick, I would earn my code name if I stuck around. However, as of right now, I had no idea what I was going to do. However, Nick had promised to help me find where I had come from when this was all over. 

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