(7) The Battle of New York

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"I am glad to see you've finally awoken my dear Leora." Groaning, Leora turned her head to see Loki smirking at her. He was beside a giant machine along with a doctor who was working diligently on it. As she studied the contraption, Leaora's eyes widened as they fell upon the glowing blue object inside of it. The Tesseract.

"Beautiful isn't it?" Loki asked, causing Leora to look back at him, "Oh the things I will do to this world." He sighed, "Care to join me peacekeeper?"

Leora spit on the ground at his feet, "I'd rather die." Loki tilted his head back, laughing at the sky as if she had just said the funniest thing he had ever heard, "You are just like the legends told, unwavering in your conquest to make everything right. Nothing tempts you in regards to the dark side."

"Nothing tempts me when it comes to the dark side." Leora hissed, "What are you even planning to do?"

"To bring my army here of course!" Loki smiled, throwing his arms out, "They're already ready, just awaiting this wondrous machine here." He sighed, walking over to where Leora was bound, "And you're going to get a front row seat, don't you worry." Loki chuckled, "There is someone who is dying to meet you."

"I guess they're going to have to schedule an appointment." Leora looked up to see Iron Man descend from the skies. She couldn't help it as a smile grew across her face. They were here, "Shut it down Loki." He called.

"It's too late!" The doctor yelled from where he stood drawing Tony's attention away from Loki who slipped inside the building, "She can't stop now." He walked over to the machine, a mad smile on his face, "She wants to show us something! A new Universe." Leora grimaced, he was like a child.

"Mk." Tony raised his hands, light pulsing from them as they shot towards the machine. Leora watched in horror as a blue shield formed around it, deflecting the shot back at Tony. He fell backwards and for a moment, Leora thought he was going to fall, but then he was flying up into the air and towards her, "Hey kid." He muttered, undoing the knots on her wrists and ankles, "You doing ok?"

"I guess." Leora shrugged, standing up and rubbing her wrists, "Could be better." Tony gave her an understanding smile before placing a cool metal object in her hand. There was something different about him now, something had changed within him since their last encounter. Dimly, Leora wondered how long she had been out.

"This," His smile was more full now, "Is a gift for you. If you press here, a super cool giant blade will pop out and stuff."

"And stuff?" Leora raised a brow as Tony shrugged.

"It can cut through anything so be careful." He sighed, "But something tells me you've handled worse. He pulled Leora into a side hug, "Good luck kid."

Before Leora could process what was happening, he was flying over towards the inside of the building, landing on a stretch of the roof. Leora watched in awe as machines rose, taking his suit off with each step he took. Did Tony Stark just hug her?

Forcing the thought from her mind, Leora ran towards the machine, heart racing as she pushed her senses out, there had to be a way to defuse it. She took in the unconscious doctor who had hit his head upon Tony' blast, he was of no help.

She worked for what seemed to be hours to no avail, finally, she closed her eyes, allowing nothing but peace to fill her as she raised her hands prepare-

It was too late.

The machine gave a loud groan, forcing Leora to watch as a giant beam of blue energy shot froth into the sky, ripping it open to reveal-

Creatures- No- Monsters unlike anything she had ever seen before were descending upon the earth in small ships, all heading straight towards her. Bracing herself, Leora bent her knees, reaching out until she felt the life around her, felt it pulling and tugging her in every direction. With a sigh, she jumped up, using the life around her to lift her body.

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