(8) New Home

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"And this is your room." Tony opened a door to reveal Leora's new living quarters. She smiled as she took it all in, it was perfect.

A queen size bed had been pushed up against the farthest wall, next to it, a black couch and coffee table sat, a tv mounted on the wall. Large slanted windows allowed for Leora to look out onto the newly restored New York City. She had a large bathroom which led to a closet where her new clothes were. Natasha, along with Pepper Pots, had introduced Leora to the world of shopping, buying her what seemed to be hundreds of clothes.

They even bought her makeup, nothing too heavy, just a skin tint, a cream blush, and mascara. Then they went furniture shopping, picking out Leora's personal decore which was now set up. It was amazing, everything about this tower, these people were amazing.

"Thank you." Leora flung herself into Tony's arms, then Natasha and Peppers. They had been working so hard to make everything feel like home.

Following The Battle of New York, Leora had stayed in a safe house along with Steve. She had been content to stay there for the rest of her life, however, when Tony arrived for a visit, he took one look at the 'dump' (his words) and declared everyone was coming to live with them.

So now they all lived in the newly named Avengers Tower, each person with their own living quarters. Well, all was an understatement Thor was back on Asgard while Bruce was doing what he did best, helping people. Clint stayed in his rooms during the week, but on the weekends he was gone, disappearing into the wind. No one really knew where he went, only Natasha, but when Leora asked her, she just shrugged, not answering Leora's questions.

"You know we could use a little more around here." Tony announced one morning at breakfast, Pepper and Leora all shared a look before turning their attention to the billionaire.

"Tony, we have a bowling alley, a theater, and a giant car garage, what else do we need?" Pepper questions,rolling her eyes and taking a bite from her eggs.

"Oh that reminds me," Tony snapped his fingers, "Lora I'm going to teach you how to drive." Lora was her new nickname because apparently Leora wasn't short enough according to Tony. She had liked it at first, but the more people said it, the more that achy feeling in her chest grew.

"To drive?" Leora asked in disbelief, adding salt and pepper to her own eggs. Driving was one of the last things she wanted to do, the very thought of getting behind the wheel made her sick.

"Yes, it's a very important skill to have and you're well above the age to get your license." He turned to look at Pepper who was giving him a skeptical look, "And what is it Ms. Potts?"

"Tony the last time I got into a car with you, you almost killed us." Pepper snorted, seemingly recalling the memory.

"Uh no, need I remind you, I am the best driver on the east coast, everyone else sucks." He tapped her nose with his fingers, "Now don't you worry bout a thing, Leora is going to be driving us all around in no time."

"What's the point of driving if you can fly?" Leora asked, she was excited, but was there even a point? She walked everywhere in New York City even if she was hounded by people 24/7.

"Class my dear Leora." Tony tutted, "And because you'll look like a badass when you're driving one of my cars."

"Badass?" Leora asked, causing Tony to groan.

"Oh my god I forgot you don't actually know real cuss words, what is it you always say?"

"Ferrik?" Leora offered, Tony clapped his hands, nodding.

"Yes, that is it!" Tony sighed, his smile was big, "That settles everything, I'm teaching you to drive this afternoon!"


As it turned out, Leora was really good at driving cars. It took her a moment to figure out how everything worked, but once she did, she and Tony were zooming through upstate New York. Tony had deemed the streets of NYC to be dangerous and Leora was very inclined to agree. So, they had driven to a small town, parked in a parking lot, and Tony let Leora take over.

"Pull over here." Tony said, pointing to an abandoned compound that overlooked a river, "This is going to be our home one day, a true base of operations." He rubbed his hands together, "I have everything I need and construction starts tomorrow."

"But we already have the tower, why do we need this?" Leora asked, assessing the rundown thing in front of them.

"The tower was always mine, no matter how hard I try, the others are not going to fully feel comfortable there. But here," He sighed, closing his eyes, "here we're going to make this our place. It's going to be amazing, you'll love it."

Leora nodded, her heart warming, Tony truly did care about them, "Thank you." She said, looking over to see the man watching her. It was strange how quickly they had gone from being strangers to best friends. Tony was a fun person to be around, always brightening the room with his quick remarks and jokes. But underneath all of his persona, Leora saw the kindness in his heart, the Anthony.

"Come on, let's get back to the tower." Tony replied.

Silence followed them in the car, but it was comfortable. Leora debated asking him if he would research the blood she had given Nick when she first arrived. When she finally gained the courage, she took a breath.

"Tony, do you think you could uh... study my blood?" Tony turned to look at her from where he was peering out of the window. He lowered his glances, his gaze strangely vulnerable.

"There's nothing to study Lora, if there was Nick would have contacted me." Tony replied softly. Disappointment swept through Leora for a moment, she thought that maybe her blood could be the key to unlocking her memories and finding her way back to wherever she had come from.

But something told Leora she might not like the answers she found, so she smiled up at Tony, thanking him anyway.

The two continued the drive together and Leora began to feel at home. 

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