(37) Bone Crush

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THANK YOU ALL FOR 1,000 READS HOLY HECK WHAT??? Above was one of my potential Leora and Anakin reunions (when she comes back from MCU 🤫) that I ended up cutting just cuz it wasn't dramatic enough ☝️thank you all for reading and voting, y'all mean the world to me 🫶🫶🫶 (also if you're wondering where their reunion is there isn't one, I got lazy and didn't finish)

"I don't like that falling feels like flying until the bone crush."

-Taylor Swift

"You're getting weaker my dear Leora!" The voice of Assaj Ventress taunted me as I chased her through the corridors of the abandoned palace, my lungs burning. My muscles ached in protest but I continued on, determined not to lose sight of the former night sister.

Thankfully, she hit a dead end, whirling to face me, her red lightsabers igniting. A coy grin played upon her face as her body lowered into an offensive position, springing into an attack.

I caught her head on, my own sabers meeting her, strike for strike. She leaped around me, trying to find an opening, a weakness, but I gave her none. We began moving back down the hall, moonlight casting down the hall from the window to my back.

"I'm afraid I must take back my word." Ventress struck once more, "You are a formidable opponent."

"Are you implying I never was?" Ducking, I blocked a saber heading directly towards my throat, countering with my free arm.

"The only reason you escaped our last duel was because Skywalker's ship exploded." Ventress laughed, "Seems to be happening a little too much." She jumped up, her body arching through the air, heading straight towards me. I grunted, swinging my blades up just in time, my knees buckling with the force of her attack.

"You act as though that wasn't your fault." I rolled out from underneath her, pushing myself up and using the wall to spring my body towards her. Ventress, of course, blocked, throwing my body back to the floor. However, I was up in an instant, clashing my saber against hers.

"Oops, I seemed to have forgotten." Ventress's raspy tone told me otherwise and I couldn't help but give her a breathy laugh. She gave me a wicked smile at my response, swinging her sabers once more.

My comm link beeped, alerting me that Anakin was trying to make contact. Jumping back, I quickly hit the button, Anakin's body materializing. However, I didn't have time to get a good look at him as I was once again, battling Ventress.

"A little busy right now General!" Ventress gut punched me and I doubled over, my comm link flying across the room. Ventress yelled from above me and I all but scrambled to get out of her way as she flipped onto the spot I was just moments ago.

"I can see that." Anakin's voice was the model of dule humor and calmness, but I could sense his anxiety, "You're needed back at the ship, finish up when you can."

"You should come join us Skywalker," Ventress cooed, "Then you can watch as I kill the Republic's precious Leora Gallows." I twisted away from her attack, heavy breaths escaping me, I didn't know how much longer I could do this.

"Well, when you put it that way, how could I resist?" Anakin mumbled. My eyes cut to his for a brief moment but before I could say or do anything else, Ventress hit me on the back of my head with the hilt of her saber, causing me to crumble to the ground.

"Better come soon Skywalker." Ventress straddled me, her lightsabers forming an X across my throat, "Leora does have such a pretty throat."

"Let her go!" Anakin roared, his facade dropping. Ventress giggled, and the sound of the comn link crunching alerted me that she had destroyed it with the force... great.

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