(27) Just Friends

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"There's things I wanna say to you, but I'll just let you live. Like if you hold me without hurting me, you'll be the first who ever did."

-Lana Del Rey

"Are you sure you don't want to swim with us?" Padme called from the water. I laughed as Anakin glared at the sand, still not giving into touching the 'vile' thing as he called it. However, the only way Anakin could get into the water was if he walked through the sand.

"It's ok if you're scared of the water Skywalker, we won't judge you!" I taunted, swimming with Padme over to the island she had been talking about. Looking up, my eyes caught Anakin's and he smirked, force jumping over the sand and into the water. He swam towards us as Padme and I climbed onto the island, laying out on the sand just as she had promised.

"Maybe I do like sand." I sighed, digging my fingers into the grains around me. Sand felt nice, very nice.

"Just wait until you have to wash it off." Anakin warned, coming up onto the island. He stayed in the water, waist deep and unwilling to come any further. I tried my best not look at.. his chest, but it was very hard consider his toned muscles and-

I wanted to puke my breakfast up, what the karrif was I thinking. Groaning, I layed the back of my head into the sand, looking up at the clear sky. Why did he have to have the most perfect abs known to the universe?

"Everything ok over there?" Anakin called, I could practically hear his smirk. Sitting up, I gave him my most dazzling smile.

"Everythings perfect." I replied, turning to Padme who was watching us with interest, "What else do you have planned for today?" I highly doubt the Council thought our mission to Naboo would turn into a semi vacation, but hey, what the Council didn't know, didn't hurt them.

"I was thinking we could go to Meadow Falls." Padme sighed dreamily, her eyes glazing over as she no doubt recalled yet another memory, "It's beautiful and I think the two of you would enjoy it." I nodded enthusiastically, excitement seeping into my bones. As I said yesterday, I've never really been off of Coruscant so it was nice to get away from everything.

"I think it's high time we get Anakin to join us up here, don't you think?" Padme asks, a wicked grin spreading across her face. I couldn't help but laugh too, the Padme here was a completely different person. Here, she didn't have to worry about the people that relied on her all the time, the responsibilities that hung over her like a cloud. Because here, at this remote lake house, she was just Padme.

"I like you're thinking." After formulating a plan, Padme and I ran to the other side of the island where Anakin couldn't see us.

Snickering, we hid behind some bushes before Padme called, "HELP!!" It took everything in me not to laugh as I heard Anakin's body crashing through the foliage. He emerged, lightsaber in hand, his head turning from side to side as he looked for us.

Padme and I burst out laughing, doubling over in the sand until we couldn't breath. Looking up, my eyes locked with Anakins to find pure rage. I stopped laughing, realizing we did the wrong thing.

"Anakin-" I took a step toward him, then another. But then he was gone, disappearing through the mini forest. I ran after him, stopping him on the other side of the island.

"You can't do that Leora." He hissed, turning to face me, "I was so scared, if anything happened to you I don't know what I would do with myself." He shook his head, looking as though he was going to be sick.

"I apologize Anakin, it wasn't the right thing to do." He snatched his arm from my grip, turning back towards the water, "Anakin come on!" I followed him in the lake, grabbing his hand once again. We were waist deep now, or I guess he was as the water came up just before my chest.

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