(1) The Beginning

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IMPORTANT NOTE: I am currently rewriting act one and switching the povs so that's why it randomly goes to third person. Anyways, enjoy! -Its345am

"I don't recognize you anymore"


"Leora!" The voice echoes through my head, pushing and pulling me in every direction. It felt as though it were calling me back to something, to someone.

Everything about the darkness was consuming, almost calming. It felt as though I were floating in some kind of dream, but something told me that deep down, this was no dream. Maybe I had died and this was death. If it was, it was a far better place than what I had been expecting. Though, now that I think of it, I don't really know what I was expecting.

One moment, there was nothing, and the world ceased to exist as I floated through the dark dreamscape.

The next moment, there was light.

Suddenly, I was blinking, my body slowly becoming aware of my surroundings as nausea tugged at my gut, vomit threatening to spew from my mouth. I was currently on my feet, running. My hand was clutched by a man who was practically dragging me down whatever hall we were in. I stumbled, causing him to look back, his eye scanning me from head to toe as he yelled something I couldn't make out. I still couldn't hear anything besides a faint ringing, I felt disoriented, like I wasn't really here yet.

And then, as if someone flipped a switch, all of my senses turned on, almost making me wish they hadn't.

I could feel everything around me, the shaking walls, the ringing of an alarm, and the emotions of the man before me. He was worried, panicked, a thousand more emotions washed through me and I yelped, closing my eyes to try and block them out.

My lungs were burning in protest as my feet continued to pound on the concrete ground, the man's hand on my grip tightening. He looked back once again, as if to make sure I was still there. We made eye contact once more and he shook his head, muttering something under his breath that I couldn't really hear. I had no idea who the kriff this man was, but something deep down told me to trust him. So I did.

It's kind of hard not to when the entire world feels like it's about to explode and you have no idea why. Lights sparked around us as we practically flew through the corridors.

My muscles ached, my lungs felt as though I had inhaled glass, I couldn't breath, couldn't think. What was going on? Why was I here? What was I doing? A million more questions raced through my brain, but not one of them had an answer. Slowing down to catch my breath, I doubled over, wanting nothing more than to curl up into a ball and die.

"We don't have time to stop!" The man yelled, squeezing my hand, his voice was commanding, sending a spark of lightning down my back. He was right, I had to keep going. Wherever we were was obviously not safe.

So, I listened to the man and didn't stop again. I don't know why I was so bent on listening to him. Was it the fact that he felt familiar? Or the fact that the building was about to collapse? Probably both if I'm being honest. My body sent waves upon waves of protest as we continued sprinting, but I didn't stop. Eventually, the halls gave way to a room and the man yanked me in front of him, pushing me out a door and into the night.

"We're clear upstairs sir!" A voice sounded from the man's hip as the wind whipped my hair around my face. A ship awaited us, its great blades spinning impossibly fast. The man all but threw me in and I landed in one of the seats with a thud. My hands gripped a harness instinctively, wrapping it around my body and clicking myself in place. The tight leather dug into my skin, causing me to wince. I tried, and failed to loosen the straps, just as the ship began to take off, the man jumping in at the last second.

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