(15) Highway to Hell

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"DANK FERRIK!" Leora screamed as Steve's body flew over the railing of the freeway, disappearing from sight. She quickly grabbed her batons, swinging her backpack over her shoulder before she turned to face the Winter Soldier. They were currently on a highway and a few minutes ago had been driving in Sam's car with Sitwell, Nat, Steve, and of course, Sam. Then, out of nowhere, the roof was ripped off, Sitwell was thrown out of the car, and they had to make an emergency exit via a car sliding on a highway.

Everything was going just great.

The Winter Soldier's features were covered by a dark mask to the point where Leora couldn't make anything out. His dark brown hair fell to his cheekbones and he was currently holding a very large gun, other soldiers advanced behind him, raining bullets down. She really needed to find some cover.

Leora rolled behind a car, she was useless in a fire fight such as this. She really needed to invest in a gun or something. The sound of the Winter Soldier's own gun firing was enough to get Leora sprinting over the ramp that separated the highways. When the sound went off again, she jumped over the highway ledge, catching her fall and sprinting for cover, heart racing.

She stopped short as she noticed the silhouette of the assassin from above, waiting for her to make her next move. When his shadow's head looked up, Leora went to move but Nat beat her to it, the spy's guns in hand as she shot at him. When he disappeared behind the railing, Nat and Leora ran towards a flipped ambulance, ducking behind it and preparing for his next assault.

The soldier appeared in an instant, his gun firing bullet after bullet. Leora noted that his mask was now off, which meant that Natasha probably hit him. Good.

"Stay safe." Natasha hissed before sprinting away, her hair blazing behind her. Leora looked up to see the soldier jump down to the ground, landing on a car with a loud crash. She took that as her cue to get the hell out of the street. So she took off, running as fast as she possibly could. She could sense him change direction, chasing Leora down the street. Great, just great, everything about this was great great great.

He advanced towards Leora as the streets became eerily quiet. She could hear gunshots echoing from the buildings but she just kept running, trying to lure the man out. She ducked behind a car as she turned onto a street, her breath catching in her throat. Oh God she couldn't breathe.

A blast sounded from nearby and Leora could sense him looking the other way. Shooting her shot, Leora launched herself into the air, landing on his shoulders and digging one of her Baton's into his throat. Her legs locked around his frame as he tried to pull her off, his metal fingers sinking into her skin. Leora yelped, losing her grip before she was thrown through the air, landing on a car and rolling to the ground. She looked up to see him aiming his gun at her, she only had one chance.

She chucked her Baton at him, using her abilities to make it go even faster. She didn't have time to see it hit its mark, but the grunt from the soldier told her it had. She was running once again, trying to find a way to get back to Steve and Natasha. Hand outstretched, she called the baton back to her.

"GET OUT OF THE WAY!" Leora screeched as civilians panicked around her, "STAY OUT OF THE-"

Her body fell to the ground as a bullet pierced her shoulder. Leora grunted, pulling herself up to a car, her hand flying to her shoulder. Pain sliced through her and she groaned, the baton falling from her hand as it touched her shoulder.

He was gone, she couldn't see him, couldn't find him. Her eyes scanned widely around the street, a warm sickly liquid spilling onto her hand. She felt light headed.

Just as Leora thought he was gone, she heard the unmistakable sound of a gun clicking. Looking up, she locked eyes with the soldier's mask, huffing. This was probably the end for her.

But then Steve was there, his shield absorbing the bullets. And then he was fighting up and down the street with the soldier, neither one gaining any sort of advantage over the other. Leora could hardly keep track as she tried to focus on dispelling the pain, of trying to figure out what to do next. Groaning again, she closed her eyes and tried to focus on her breathing, trying to focus on anything but the pain.

The soldier flew across the street and Leora looked up to see Steve pause, doing a double take. What the hell was wrong with him?

"Bucky?" He asked breathlessly, his eyes widening in shock. He looked like he had just been slapped. Leora's eyes scanned across the street at the Winter Soldier who's mask had fallen off in his tumble. There was nothing hiding his face now. His blue eyes showed emptiness and a stumble graced his cheek. Distantly, Leora thought he looked sort of familiar.

"Who the hell is Bucky?" The Winter Soldier demanded, point his gun at Steve. But before he could fire, Sam was there, soaring through the air and hitting him square in the chest. Leora looked around the street, grimacing in pain as she stood, her eyes locking on the soldier's gun. She didn't have time to understand what was going on, she had to save everyone. The soldier aimed his gun at Steve once more, but Leora beat him to it, blasting the weapon and watching as he was shot back.

When the dust cleared he was gone, replaced by matt black vehicles speeding towards them. Leora dropped the gun, her arm not allowing her to hold it anymore. The S.T.R.I.K.E team poured from their cars, guns pointing at all of them as they yelled for them to get on their knees. Great, just great. Leora laughed a bit, great was her theme for today.

Leora had no choice but to comply as her hands were cuffed behind her back, the soldiers having no regard for her shoulder. She groaned in pain as they showed her into the back of a car, Steve, Sam, and Nat right behind her. The doors shut and they were moving, the streets of DC passing by in a blur. She couldn't think of anything but the pain in her shoulder, her body, it felt as though it had spread.

"It was him." Steve mumbled after a few minutes of silence, "He looked right at me like he didn't even know me." It took Leora a moment to realize he was talking about the soldier. A file Fury had shown to her a year ago popped into her head, Bucky Barns was the Winter Soldier. Fuck.

"How is that even possible?" She asked breathlessly, "It was like seventy years ago." A labored breath passed through Leora's lips, her heading tilting back and resting on the car's wall.

"Zola." Steve breathed, "Bucky's whole unit was captured in '43, Zola experimented on him." Steve muttered, putting the pieces together, "Whatever he did helped Bucky survive the fall." Steve looked up from his hands, "They must have found him and-"

"None of that's your fault Steve." Natasha whispered reassuringly.

Steve looked down, lost in thought, "Even when I had nothing, I had Bucky."

"We need to get a doctor here." Sam said suddenly, causing the mood to stiffen. Leora realized she had closed her eyes, wow, that was scary, she hadn't even known, "If we don't put pressure on that wound, she's going to bleed out here in the truck." Bleed out? She was going to be fine... even if the blood was currently gushing down her shoulder and pooling in her lap. Gross.

One of the guards jolted forward, a taser igniting in their hands. Before anyone could do anything, the taser was flipping into the other guard's stomach, causing him to slump to the ground as the other guard kicked his head against the window.

"Ah," The first guard lifted the helmet from her head, "That thing was squeezing my brain." Maria Hill groaned, moving her hair from her face. She looked at Sam before looking back at Cap, "So who's this guy?"

"Glad to see you too Maria." Leora smiled through the pain, glad to see the agent.

"Wouldn't miss this party for the world." Maria reached into her pocket, pulling a strange weapon like thing out, "Now, let's get out of here." 

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