(36) Dance of Peace

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"Are there still beautiful things?"

-Taylor Swift

The walker shakes as it takes yet another blast to its side and I just know that we aren't going to last much longer. My men around me seem to know as well and I watch as they plan for a quick escape.

We're currently making our way through the cliffs of Ryloth under heavy Sepratist fire. I glance towards Master Windu who's directing the captain of the ship. It's nice to be with him again.

While Mace and I storm the capital city of Ryloth, Obi-Wan is making his way through the villages, and Anakin is pioleting the Navy in the airspace. We've made quick work, and hopefully, in a few days time, Ryloth will be free.

I sense the blast just before it hits. Everyone in the walker is thrown to the side and I grunt as I hit the back wall. Shaking the jitters from my body, I force myself to stand, igniting my sabers and tearing a hole through the roof. I grab the nearest wounded solider and hoisted us up and out of the walker, landing on the other side. Mace and the rest of the troopers were quick to follow and I watch as Mace runs to the front, using his shatter point abilites to break the glass and retrieve the piolet.

"We're pinned down!" A trooper yelled just as another blast ricochetted around us. I turned to Mace, a plan formulating in my head. He nodded, as if senseing my thoughts.

"Bring out lightning squad and get the injured back!" He ordered, setting the unconsious piolet down, "Leora and I are going to clear the road." The clones nodded, carrying out the orders, in just a few seconds, soliders in AT-RT's decended from the walkers, running into battle.

Turning towards the walker with Mace, I allowed my mind to clear, diving into the force. I imagined the walker, and with the lift of my hands and Mace, it lifted into the air, falling down the side of the cliff.

"All yours general!" A clone shouted, approuching Mace on an AT-RT. Mace nodded in thanks, climbing onto the vehical.

"Scale the walls and meet us at the tanks." Mace ordered. I nodded, cracking my back and smiled. This was going to be fun, "May the force be with you!" Mace called, racing off with the Lightning Squardreon.

"Need any help General?" Ryder asked, as I neared the edge of the cliff, looking down at the ground.

"I got this, stay with the walkers." Ryder nodded and I patted him on the shoulders, "You've got this." And with that, I backed up as far as I could, running towards the edge of the cliff and using the force to propel myself across the canon.

I landed on a small ledge on the other side and began scaling. In no time, I was at the top, just as Mace and his squad arrived. Igniting my lightsabers, I began my attack, advancing on the droids and their tanks, taking them out one by one. Mace was right beside me and we fought with grace and diligence, master and apprietence. Just like old times. Only, in these times, we were at war.

"How many men did we loose?" Mace questioned his commander, Ponds, when the tanks and droides were all defeated.

"32 I think." Ponds responded, taking off his helmet, "Including the command crew of three walkers." Mace nodded and the three of us began walking, "The good news is General Kenobi's broken their lines. We can clear a path straight to the capital now."

"This battle was costly." Mace muttered, "We're going to need help if we are to take the city." I nodded, just as my comm unit, along with Mace's began blinking.

Dunne's holographic figure appears and I give him a tight smile in greeting as he launches into his report, "Master Yoda has requested your presence, he's on the line now."

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