(17) The Downfall

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Leora was running. Again.

"Hey Cap, how do we know the good guys from the bad guys?" Sam asked as they raced towards the now active helicarriers. Leora's legs pumped as she urged herself to go faster, they didn't have a moment to loose.

"If they're shooting at you, they're bad." Steve replied simply. Sam nodded, his wings unfolding and extending behind his back. In a flash, he was gone, soaring through the air. Leora nodded to the Captain at her side before boosting herself onto the Alpha carrier. The window whistled in her ears as she landed, flicking her hair away from her eyes.

Bullets immidatly rained down on her and Leora ducked to the side, taking cover behind a shipment container. She palmed her batons, rolling her shoulders back and cracking her head. This was it.

Dashing from her cover, Leora charged at the soliders, evading bullets with ease as he all but flew towards them. She was flipping through the air, her body landing on the shoulders of one guard, bringing him to the ground before she was up and kicking the next. She ducked and dodged punches and kicks, returning them with her own as she took down guard after guard. Her chest bubbiling with that feeling.

When the guards were disenagged, she was running again, entering the Helicarrier and sprinting towards its belly. Upon arriving, Leora crossed the skywalk, the chip hold in her sights and growing closer. She skidded to a stop in front of it, punching in a few buttons and watching patiently as the chip holders door swung open.

Just like Maria instructed her, Leora removed on of the chips, replacing it with her own, "Alpha lock." She said into her comm, sprinting away. On the deck once more, Leora jumped, her body free falling towards the base bellow. Her eyes locked on the office where Natasha was awaiting her.

She landed without a sound, walking through the glass doors and down a small hallway before entering the meeting space.

"Glad you could join us Keeper." The Black Widow said with a wicked grin as Leora came to stand besides her. Natasha was currently prepping every S.H.I.E.L.D file to be sent across the world, made public data.

"What are you doing?" One of the bored memebers asked Natasha as Leora walked over to the table, picking up a glass of champaign and taking a sip.

"She's disabiling security protocols and dumping all the secrets onto the internet." Pierce answered.

"Including Hyrdra's." Natasha offered.

"And S.H.I.E.L.D.'s." Pierce countered, "If you do this, none of your past is gonna remain hidden, the world will know everything we known about Leora. About you." Natasha's fingers slowed as she looked up at Pierce, "Are you ready for the world to see you as you really are?" He asked. The world would know everything Natasha did the for KGB, for S.H.I.E.L.D. She had always been a reserved woman and now her life was going to be public information.

"Are you?" Natasha's voice was deadly as she raised her eyebrow at him.

"Diabiling the encryption is an executive order, it takes two Alpha Level members." Pierce said smugly as an acess denied screen apeared on the screen.

"Don't worry." Natasha smiled, looking over at Leora, "Company is coming." Leora crossed the room, walking past a baffled Pierce. She grabbed him by his arm, leading him over to the scanner as Natasha held a gun to his head.

"How are you going to pull this off?" He demanded, "Leora is no where near Alpha level."

"See, that's where your wrong." Leora moved her hair out of her face, bending down so her eye was in level with the scanner it beeped in confirmation and both Leora and Pierce moved back. He was in outrage now, his face turning a slight pink, "Out of my two years here, Nick Fury decided I was the only person he could trust. This was due to the fact that our minds had latched onto each other for safety during the collapse of the old base. He knew I relied on him, that I was loyal to the things and people I cared about, so he named me his heir if you will."

"That's absurd! He can't do that!"

"No, I think I can." Nick Fury entered the room just as Natasha pulled up a paragraph from his will. The very same will that no one had yet to read.

In the case of my untimly death, I, Nicholas Jospeh Fury, hereby state, that all of my titles and assests, be transfered to Leora Gallows. Upon my death, Leora will become the new Director of S.H.I.E.L.D. and be granted access and privlages to everything.

"Done." Natasha called. Leora grinned as the transfer complete message appeared in bold letters, "And it's trending." Natasha held up her phone.

There was a sparking sound and Leora's eyes widened as she saw the Board Members dropping dead, gapeing holes where their hearts should be. In the blink of an eye, Natasha's gun was pointed at Pierce, a fierce look on her face. Fury did the same, tilting his head at his former partner.

"Unles you want a two-inch hole in your sternum," Pierce warned, "I'd put that gun down." He had spiked the badges given to the members, given himself a way out if things went wrong for him, "That was armed the moment you pinned it on." Natasha slowly lowered her gun, Fury following in suit.

But Leora was not about to watch Natasha Romanoff die.

Her hand swung out, her mind locked on the phone and bringing it to her hand in an instent. Pierce looked up at her, for the first time, there was true fear coming from him.

Natasha quickly unpinned the badge, raising her gun and fireing twice.

Alexander Pierce dropped the the ground, dead.

Rushing to the helipad, Leora and Nat climbed into the chopper, Fury right behind them. He climbed to the front, manning the piloet seat and starting it up. Just as they rose into the air, the helicarriers began firing at one another, crashing to the ground in a slowed freefall.

"PLEASE TELL ME YOU GOT THAT CHOPPER IN THE AIR!" Sam yelled into the comms. Leora looked over to see one of the carriers crash into the building.

"Sam where are you?" Natasha demanded, signaling for Fury to turn around.

"FORTY FIRST FLOOR! NOTHWEST CORNER!" The chopper zoomed through the air just in time to see Sam jump from the building. Leora raised her hands, catching his fall and guiding him inside. She let go of him a little too early and he flopped to the ground, "FORTY FIRST FLOOR!" He yelled at Fury, "Forty first floor." He groaned, dropping into a chair.

"It's not like they pu the floor numbers on the outtside of the building."

"Hill! Where's Steve? You got a location on Rogers?" Nat asked into the mic. Leora perked up at her words, what if Steve wasn't off the carrier?

"He's just off the north shore, uncconsious, I'd pick him up now if I were you." Maria replied. Leora sighed in relief, he was safe.

They were all safe.

For now.

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