(35) Lessons Learned

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"But if you send for me you know I'll come."

-Lana Del Rey

A/N: I haven't edited this lol

Anakin's lightsaber crashed with mine and I couldn't help but smirk at him as I backed up, twirling out of his reach. He rolled his eyes at me, advancing once again, his lightsaber raised. He jumped up, bringing his lightsaber down towards me in a graceful, yet quick, arch. However, he wasn't quick enough as I was ready, meeting him blow for blow.

Blue and gold clashed together, creating a beautiful array of color. However, I didn't have time to admire them as Anakin was quickly gaining the upper hand, proving once more that his combat in lightsaber dueling was far more superior to mine. I huffed, glancing to my right where Dune and Ruhn were watching me along with the rest of the 7th. Their helmets were off and a look of awe was painted across their faces. To my left, Anakin's troopers were standing with the same expressions, their arms crossed.

Well, I had to put on a show and there was no way I was going to loose in front of my men, what kind of example would that set?

Locked in combat, Anakin continued his relentless attack, forcing me to keep up with him. Sweat dripped from my brow as I blocked blow after blow, my arms growing sore and weak, my legs on the verge of giving out.

It was almost as if we were locked in a dance together, beautiful and graceful as we twirled and dodged one another. I couldn't help but laugh as I jumped backwards before charging, my saber held high. But, just before I reached Anakin, I launched myself into the air, arching  my body and landing behind him, my lightsaber at his neck.

"You are beaten."

Anakin huffed and before I could figure out what was going on, he was twisting out of my reach, pinning my free arm behind me and forcing my body to the ground, my lightsaber disengaging and the hilt rolling to the ground besides my head.

"No, you are beaten." Even though I couldn't see his face, I could hear Anakin's smirk as his lightsaber came to rest near my neck, the heat of it sending a tingle down my spine.

Yielding, I stood up, brushing the dirt from my robes and offering him a small smile, "Count this as your first and last victory against me Skywalker."

Laughing, Anakin disengaged his own lightsaber, bending down and picking mine up, "I wouldn't be so confidant Gallows," He taunted, handing me my saber, "I'm only going to get better."

"You know you technically cheated." Ahsoka pointed out as she ran up to us. I smiled at Anakin's padawan, grateful that she was sticking around.

"I did not!" Anakin looked outrage at Ahsoka's accusation and I couldn't help but giggle the two broke off into their usal light hearted bicker while I walked off to where my troopers were standing.

"You held up good general." Ruhn remarks, removing his helmet. The bright lights of the crusier's hanger cast harsh lines across his face.

Nodding in thanks, I accept the jug of water he was holding out to me, chugging the drink.

"General Skywalker and Commander Tano seem to get along." Sarcasam laces Ryder's tone and I chuckle as I glance over to Anakin and Ahsoka who are still bickering, "Are you planning on bringing us a commander as well?"

I snort at the thought of me training a padawan and I shake my head, "I don't think I mix well with kids."

"Fair enough." Ryder grins, pulling his helmet over his head just as a ring sounds through the intercom, we were almost to our destination. My troopers were currently prepping for the ground assult while Anakin's legion, the 501st, would be breaking through the blockcade around the planet of Ryloth.

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