Chapter 5: Octavius West

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"Hey, Vegas! You here?"

"Yeah, in the back!"

I walk around the desk in his office and push open the door to his hidden sketch room isn't hidden because everyone knows where it is.

"What's up, Tank?"

"I have a question to ask you."

"When did I become the dad of this group?"

"When you unofficially adopted Poison," I point out, shrugging.

"Makes sense. What do you need?"


"Kindergarten teacher right?"


"What about her?"

"It's not that I'm romantically interested in her. Not yet. If there's a yet about to happen. But she looked interested in me, and I didn't dislike it."

"So you enjoyed her checking you out?"


"And you're confused about it."

He takes a seat on his black leather chair before replying.

"Well, you don't have to act on anything. It's not like there's pressure to do that."

"None at all."

"So, you could just be friends with her if you want. See what happens from there. I would say ignore her if you felt like she wants something you don't want, but it's a small town, and that'll only make you run into her more."

He's right about the small-town thing. The minute you don't want to see someone anymore or have to deal with a person, it's like they are the only other person that exists in the town after that. He's also right about not having to be more than friends if that's not something that comes naturally. 

I don't know Hazel well, but she doesn't seem like the type of person that would push me to do something uncomfortable for me. And neither of us knows the other well, so why would I even have to think about that at the moment? Nothing is going to happen anytime soon. 

If something does happen, it will come at the right time. Right now isn't the right time.

"She didn't imply anything right?"

"No, I think she just found me handsome. Which is fine."

"Go get some sleep, Tank. It'll be better in the morning."

"But what about Slasher and Carbon? They've been at it for hours."

A scream rings through the air.

"Alpha! No! I'm not leaving!"

"Yes, you fucking are. Get your ass up and go home!"

"But there's work to do!"

"Scout and Bear will handle it. Go home now."

"You aren't the boss of us!"

"Yes, I am."

"Fuck off."

"Go home."

There's a long pause.

"Fine," Slasher groans aloud.

I hear the shuffling of Carbon and Slasher's bags as they make their way out of the warehouse. Good, they need to get rest.

"Tank, you should go too."

Tank: Devil's Rose MC #6Where stories live. Discover now