Chapter 28: Hazel Martinez

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"If we're on the topic of the MC, there are probably a few rules and traditions that you should know about. It might be easier to ask questions as these situations come up as well, but I could tell you briefly now too."

"I'm open to whatever you want to tell me. I also trust that you will guide me through any transitions that may happen. And I also have five women looking out for me too."

Octavius nods his head, taking one of the last bites of his waffles.

"Well, you have autonomy in the MC. You are free to make the best decision for you. You can leave if our relationship doesn't work out without repercussion. You can stay in Westmoor if we were to break up and still have a life here. You don't have to change anything about yourself. You can have friends outside the MC, you can visit anyone you want, and you do whatever is good for you. You don't have to change your life."

"Well, I will though. I understand it's not going to be a dramatic change, but my life will change, for the better. Because I'll be with you."

"I guess what I'm saying is, this club isn't here to hinder you from what you want to do in life. We provide support and protection in the decisions you make as long as they are safe decisions."

"What about relationships with other men? Men besides my family, I mean."

"As in any relationship, they would be friendships because we're monogamous. I will tell you honestly that some men outside the MC, and even within, do get uncomfortable being in a close friendship with a woman in a relationship with an official member. So, they might be more distant, but it's only because you are untouchable. If you were to be in a bad situation with one of them, I would kill them. No one wants to die."

Jesus. That's more intense than I thought it would be. He could kill them for that?

"Oh, well, if you can kill them, I would understand that."

"But that doesn't mean you'll be lonely. They'll still be your friends, but it would just be a different way of friendship. Once you start dealing with that, it's not a big deal, it just sounds like it," he emphasized in a quick tone.

"I am going to know information that no one else can."

"At the MC's discretion. If you ask, we have to tell you though. Since it's such a new Devil's Rose law, we're all still trying to figure it out. Trial and error. But for the most part, you'll know everything. That does put you in danger because people are going to want that information to hurt us, but I think you can handle it. And you have a whole MC backing you up."

"Is there any induction ceremony?"

"No, pumpkin, we aren't a cult. You aren't my Old Lady yet unless you want to be, but I figured we would want more time to be in a relationship before we take that step."

"I agree. That's a lot when we're only beginning."

"Exactly. Once that happens, you'll have a little more responsibility, and you'll get your cut. But for now, we're going to be boyfriend and girlfriend. I won't be to tell you everything because of that, but we'll go where we go."

He lifts my hand up to his mouth, kissing the back of it.

"But for right, there's nothing I need to do?"

"Nope. All we need to do is go on dates, have fun, whatever we want."

His unoccupied hand slips under the table and slides up the inside my thigh. Oh, that's what he meant. I slap his hand, trying to hide my enjoyment. He doesn't need to know how easily I would spread my legs for him. 

Even though all he needs to do is smile at me and I'm a total goner, he's got to know that he still has to work for it. Plus, I love the foreplay, the teasing, and the tension of edging. It's fun for me. I have a feeling that he finds the challenge exciting. He's not the way to back away from one. 

He likes the chase though he knows he's going to get what he wants at the end of it. The vulnerability and emotional intelligence he has makes him sexier. 

He might not appreciate his parents for pushing him into a college and major he didn't want, however, they did teach him some pretty good emotional regulation skills. I'm grateful for that.

How did I get from sex to emotional regulation?

That only happens with Octavius, I swear. It's the weirdest thing.

"Oh, I'm curious about something with you, Hazel."


"What was college like for you?"

"Much different than your experience. I went to the University of Texas, San Antonio as a psychology major. Eventually, I got my Ph.D. in childhood development which is super handy when it comes to my job."

"I should be calling you Dr. Martinez then," he teases at me.

"Please don't! Oh my god, I get embarrassed by it."

"You what?! Are you crazy?" he exclaims, his eyebrows scrunching together.

"It's-I don't know. I worked hard for it, but it sounds like I'm blowing smoke up my ass."

"What if I had people call me Dr. West? Does that sound like I'm blowing smoke up my ass?"

"No, because-"

"No, it doesn't. Stop. You deserve the title. You shouldn't be embarrassed by it."

I press a light kiss to his lips, silently thanking him for his support. He always knows what to say. And he's right. Of course, I don't want people to have to go around calling me Dr. Martinez, but he's correct in saying that I shouldn't be embarrassed by it. I did work hard for the title, and I don't need to hide that I'm smart.

"And you had close friends and everything?"

"I still have them. They're the closest friends I've ever had. They're amazing. One day, you'll meet them."

"You want me to meet them?"

"Of course, Tank. They definitely need to meet you."

He smiles goofily at me, definitely happy that I want him to meet the people closest to me.

"Would you be interested in meeting my sister?"

"I would love to meet your sister."

He's so cute when he's nervous. I take the final sip of my coffee, soaking in the warmth of the cup. Goodness, I love coffee so much. We get up from the table hand-in-hand and make our way to the back of the restaurant. 

Whether the waiters know that he's related to the head chef or if it's the cut that he wears with the Devil's Rose logo on the back, we are easily let into the kitchen with space given to us. I can't believe that I'm with this man. 

I take a deep breath as he calls out for Raven. She turns around from the stove, smiling widely when she realizes it's her brother standing there.

"Oh my god! Is this her?!"

I blush as she runs toward me, wrapping her arms around me.

"It's so nice to meet you! He will not stop talking about you! You're so cute. Oh my god, I love you already!"

We speak for a few minutes before she has to go back to work. She is amazing. Octavius didn't speak well enough about her. She's so welcoming and happy. I can tell why he wants her around all the time. She's one of the best people I've ever met. I absolutely adore her.

Once she has to go back to work, he lays a hand on my back, guiding me back through the restaurant and back out to his motorcycle. I get myself onto the bike, wrapping my arms around his waist, and lean my weight onto him. 

I watch as the world passes by, the trees and houses blurry. He parks outside my apartment building and helps me get off his motorcycle. Just as he's about to get back onto his bike, I give him a sly smile and pull him along with me.

"Where are we going?"

"Oh, boy, Octavius. You aren't going home yet."


Tank: Devil's Rose MC #6Where stories live. Discover now