Chapter 33: Hazel Martinez

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One and a Half Weeks Later

"December 20th! Five more days!"

"I know, I'm so damn excited, love."

He's said like that forty times today, I swear. No one could more excited than Octavius. I even talked to Dakota the other day and Poison isn't even as excited as him which is something extraordinary. He literally cannot contain himself. 

We've watched three Christmas movies today, have listened to about ten different Christmas albums, and he has even gone around his apartment building delivering various treats to his neighbors. He knows all dietary restrictions and took special care to make something for everybody. 

It took him all day yesterday. I mean, from five am to five pm. I had to feed him during lunch because he wanted to make sure that we could have dinner together at five-thirty. He's in the Christmas spirit at least.

"We have the MC Christmas party in like two hours and then leave for your parents' house tomorrow, right?"

"Yeah, it's a twenty-minute drive, so we have time. My brothers are going to pass through here today at some point since they have to drive an hour and don't want to tomorrow, so we have a ton of time."

"Oh, 'cause they live Marfa. I totally forgot about that."

"We could leave on the actual day of Christmas but they want us to stay at the ranch."

Octavius takes a sip of his chai tea, clearly thinking about something, before putting it back on the counter.

"I can see the gears turning. What's up?"

"Since it's so close, do you think I could come Christmas Eve morning? There are a few things I want to do here before I go, and since it's so close, would you be okay with that?"

"Oh, yeah. Of course, Octavius. You could even come on Christmas day."

"No, I wanna wake up with you on the day of Christmas, but I could use a couple of days beforehand."

"For sure. Take all the time you need. Is something going on?"

"MC wise, you mean?"

"Anything. I mean, are you okay?"

He smiles down at me, kissing the top of my head.

"I'm one hundred percent okay. I promise. I want to put less pressure on Alpha to keep on top of things while also trying to handle his kids. It's the least I can do."

"You're very sweet. I can keep you some company tomorrow before I head off then."

"If you don't need rest after the party, sure."

He's always thinking ahead.

I lay a lazy and affectionate kiss on his lips, wrapping my arms around his waist. He holds me in his arms and lifts me up onto his toes. He dances me around his kitchen in the evening light even though no music plays, and we look like complete idiots. 

I can't help but allow the giggles to bubble out of my chest, happiness filling me. I'm so in love with him. It's ridiculous.

"Alright, alright. I have to go take a shower now."

"I can join you if you want," he informs with a wiggle of his eyebrows.

"Yeah, no. I have to get ready for this party. What's the dress code?"

"Ugly Christmas sweater, of course."

Watch it be the fanciest party, and I'm dressed in my ugly sweater. It's highly unlikely that Octavius would do that to me, but I can't rule out the possibility. I leave him behind me in the kitchen to clean up the mess he made by making homemade pizza for dinner. He made the pizza dough and everything. 

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