Chapter 6: Hazel Martinez

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I was an asshole. I've officially decided that I was a complete asshole to Tank. Yes, I was just doing my job, but I could have approached it in a much better way, especially with Navy running around and possibly watching the interaction happen. 

Sometimes I forget that I'm an actual adult. So, even though it's still slightly (hugely) out of my comfort zone, I'm stopping by the bar tonight after work to apologize to Tank for my behavior. On the outside, he didn't seem to mind what I did. 

He was sweet enough to guide me home which I couldn't have been more grateful for because I sure as hell would have been lost in the woods if he didn't. It's not like he was exactly repulsed by me afterward either. Even so, it just feels right to apologize.

The day is just finishing up, the last of the toys are being put away and per my padawans request, Christmas music plays in the background while they "clean" the room. I love Christmas myself. I've sort of obsessed with it. Not because I'm ultra-religious or anything, but it's the time of year that makes me feel better. 

I'm happier and lighter. I can scream Meghan Trainor's Christmas album in my car; it's one of the best. Ariana Grande's music plays now, and I can admit that her short Christmas EPs are also incredible. 

The music, the lights, the chillier weather, the smells, all of it is so pure and joyous. I adore this time of year. Plus, it makes me a more apologetic person when I need to be.

I wave at the parents that are arriving in the lobby. Children drop what they're cleaning and rush over to their bags and coats. Usually, I would get them to go back to what they were doing, but I can't seem to care right now. 

It's not like we had too many messy activities today, and I don't mind staying a few extra minutes to tidy everything up. It's not like I have anything better to do. Tank isn't going anywhere. I check everyone out without a problem, besides Whiskey teasing me a bit, but I throw a plushie at his head and he shuts up real quick. 

I get a high five from Beatrice too, so I would call that a double-win. I make sure my desk is clean before closing my classroom door behind me. I jump when I see Jack Pearson, a first-grade teacher, standing directly next to my door.

"Woah," he assures with his hands up in the air, "didn't mean to scare you, honey."

Honey? Where did that come from?

"Mr. Pearson. Good to see you."

"Is it now?"

Isn't that a standard greeting?

"I guess so? Uh, can I help you?"

"No, I just wanted to check up on you. I saw that one of the MC guys stopped by your room yesterday."

"Oh, it's all good. I was the problem. Thanks for checking though. Have a good night."

"Wait, honey, wait. I wanted to ask you about something."


"Do you wanna get a drink?"

"With you?"

He smirks and waves his arms in the air.

"Who else?"

"No, Jack, I won't get a drink with you. And it's Dr. Martinez to you. See you later."

Freaking weirdo.

And yes, I am a doctor. Before I decided that I wanted to be a kindergarten teacher, I got a Ph.D. in childhood development. It's come in handy in my career, and it kind of worked out that way. I got my doctorate at twenty-eight which I think is the median age, and being thirty-two now, it hasn't let me down so far. 

Tank: Devil's Rose MC #6Where stories live. Discover now