Chapter 11: Hazel Martinez

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Tank was acting weird this morning. I don't know him well enough to know what his normal is, but I could tell something was off. I couldn't tell if it was something I should be seriously worried about. It's just that I don't want him to feel uncomfortable or worried around me. 

I don't ever want to make him feel that way, and if I am, I think that would just about kill me. It's such an awful feeling to have someone uncomfortable around you. And I don't ever want to put Tank in a situation where he has to feel that way around me. 

He didn't try to avoid me though, so I wasn't ignoring any body language right? If anything, he wanted to be closer to me. At least at breakfast, that's what I thought was happening. Until he had to run off for MC stuff, not that I mind at all. He has to do what he has to do. I respect him for his dedication and loyalty.

It was perfect timing because I needed a shower and to get to my classroom to tidy up for Monday. I know I have Sunday, but I enjoy taking Sunday off. It's my day to rest and reset. As a kindergarten teacher, it's not like I have to grade much of anything. I give out gold stars. 

And everyone gets one, so that's not the hardest part of my job. The parents are, but I'm not going to get into that. 

I love my job. I honestly do. Every difficulty of my job is worth the days that I get to laugh and smile and play with the best kids on the face of this earth. You can't replace that. I gain so much from children. I learn new things from them every day.

I take one last sweeping gaze around my classroom before calling it a day and heading back to my home. Just as I'm closing my door, I'm stopped by Jack all over again. I wish this dude could read body language or at least could understand me saying no to his advances. He hasn't done anything violent or scary, but I'm more annoyed than anything. I'm tired and over it.


"Hazel, how are you?"

"I'm hungry and tired, so I'm going to head out."

"Too tired for drinks."


Why do I put up with this? It's like I lose all confidence in myself when I'm in a situation where I need it most. I don't know what's wrong with me. With Tank, I feel like I could put him in his place any day. If there was ever a time when I needed to tell him off, I wouldn't give two fucks, and I would do it. 

But with Jack, I'm nervous. I'm worried that if I do, something could happen. I shouldn't have to feel that way. And I highly doubt he would because he seems too cowardly to do anything if I were to just give him a mean look, but I don't know, this is a hard situation to handle. 

Because what if something did happen? We're coworkers. What would I do?

"Alright, I'm going to go."

"There's no need to be short with me, Hazel."

"Right, uh, have a good evening."

"Going to hang out with the MC are you now? Are you turning into one of them?"

First of all, the tone of his voice fucking sucks. And two, what's so wrong with the MC? They haven't done anything to hurt him. He's just acting like a fucking bully because he's insecure. What the hell?

"Now, I'm gonna go. Bye, Jack."

I speed walk down the hallway; I'm practically sprinting while dialing Tank's number on my cell phone.

"You alright, hun?"

I love the nickname, but now's not the time to focus on it.

"I just, uh, had a weird encounter with someone and needed to talk to you."

"What happened?"

"Some things were said that made me feel weird."

"Who the fuck was it?"

"It's not that big a deal."

"It's a big fucking deal if you had to fucking call me, Hazel. Who the fuck said what the fuck they said?"

"That was a lot of cursing in two sentences."

"Don't play with me. Tell me."

"I'll tell you in person. Next time I see you."

He growls under his breath but doesn't argue.

"Tomorrow then."

I guess we're meeting up tomorrow.

"Okay, tomorrow. What time?"

"Ten am."

"It's a date."

I mean, technically it is. I'm not wrong. It's a date leading to nowhere.

"And you promise to tell me who and what and everything?"

"I promise."

"Can you make it home safe?"

"I'm almost there."

"Lock your doors."

"I know. I swear it's not that bad. It just had me a little rattled."

"It's fucking bad, no matter what. No one should make you feel that way, understood?"

Why does his protectiveness have to be so fucking hot? It's illegal. It has to be. I don't think one man should be capable of holding me hostage in such a way. I never thought I would be like this. The woman who wants to get on her knees for someone, to please them and call them sir, but I can't deny that there's something inside me that wouldn't hate doing that for Tank at all. 

We certainly aren't anywhere near a point in our relationship where we do anything like that, but if we ever are, I wouldn't say no to being told what to do in the bedroom. I take a deep breath, releasing my sexually charged thoughts with my exhale. 

Now is not the time for thinking like that. We're taking this one step at a time. And sex might not even be a part of those steps. We may not even get there. But the way he danced with me; he probably wouldn't be opposed.

I lock my door behind me, taking in the fresh and clean scent of my home. I can't wait to sleep in my bed tonight. Tank's couch was comfortable, but there's nothing like my bed. I walk into my bedroom, throw my bag down on the ground, kick off my shoes, and throw my clothes on the floor. I'll pick them up tomorrow. 

I don't have the energy to deal with all that cleaning tonight. I cleaned my classroom for three hours straight. I think my hands permanently smell like Clorox wipes. 

I heave a sigh when I hear my stomach rumbling, and I know I should eat something healthy, but all I want is some takeout Chinese food. I reach over to my phone and call my favorite Chinese restaurant.

"It's Hazel again."

I hear the giggles of children in the background.

"If you could not laugh at me, that would be great. My usual please."

"You sound exhausted, darling."

"It's your children's fault, Mrs. Ming."

Mrs. Ming, whose first name is Joy, only laughs at me through the phone while checking my order. Once I know that she's going to deliver it, I hang up with a thank you before setting back down on my bed. 

While I sometimes enjoy being around people, I'm grateful to have the night to myself. I can watch Netflix and have a good time alone. Something is comforting to me about being able to be by myself without feeling left out. I like being able to just be. 

I also realize that I feel the same way during my time with Tank. I don't have to be someone I'm not. I don't have to pretend for him. I was a complete disaster last night, and he still wants to see me tomorrow. Knowing myself, it probably took a shit ton of effort from him to get me on the back of his motorcycle to make sure I was safe for the night. 

At yet, he still wants to see me tomorrow.

I haven't felt that in a long time. I missed that feeling.

I'm happy to be feeling it with him. 

Tank: Devil's Rose MC #6Where stories live. Discover now