Chapter 7: Hazel Martinez

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"Hazel, promise me," he practically pleads.

"I promise, Tank, I promise."

He nods his head tightly, loosening his grip on the glass.

I'm surprised it didn't just shatter in his hand. That would've been hot. I mean, there would be blood and we would have to clean, but still, it would be hot. He does need to loosen up a little. It doesn't take much to notice that he has a stick up his ass. 

I wonder how long it's been since he's had sex. Not that would completely solve the issue, but in my experience, sometimes sex helps an individual let go. I'm not offering anything either, but I'm curious. Not that I'm going to ask because that's just rude and I just apologized for being rude, so I'm not going to do that.

I gulp down the last couple of sips of my martini before calling Nick over for another one.

Alcohol helps loosen me up too.

"So, what's the reason you're drinking tonight?"

"There has to be a reason?"

"There's a reason for everything. Doesn't have to be depressing."

"Because I want to. Is that a good reason, Tank?"

"The best reason, miss sassy pants."

"Don't ever call me that again," I hiss out, already feeling the effects after two drinks.

I am a lightweight. My brothers aren't wrong when they tease me about it. I've got four of them so the teasing happens a lot. The order of children goes from Greyson who's thirty-nine, Max is thirty-four, me (thirty-two), Hayden, twenty-nine, and Zane, the baby, twenty-four years old. 

My parents Chance and Zara were like, we're going to torture our only daughter by surrounding her with four smelly boys. Two older to boss her around and be overprotective about everything and two younger boys that rub their armpits on her and throw her into pools when she doesn't want to. 

I mean, yeah, my life would be boring and dull without them, but I could do without the constant teasing. And shoe throwing. There has always been a lot of shoe-throwing for some reason.

"You might want to drink some water with that alcohol."

Oh, not him too.

"I can handle myself."

"That's great, I'm sure you can, but it's not healthy to just..." I take another shot of vodka "...down them."

"What?" I half shout, slamming my glass on the counter.

Tank shakes his head, downing his own glass of Bud Light.

I don't know how he drinks that stuff, it's disgusting. At least have a Guinness.

"Fuck it," he concedes softly.

I cheer loudly while he waves Nick over for another one. Miami by Will Smith starts to play in the background, and I immediately jump out of my chair, wiggling my hips as I begin to make my way into the dance floor part of the bar.

I can feel Tank's eyes on me from across the room, a couple of girls I don't know joining me on the floor. They hand me a shot that I gratefully take, slipping the vodka down my throat as quickly as possible to get the burn over with.

"That guy won't stop staring at you," one of the women abruptly screams in my ear.

"I'm hot! He shouldn't stop!"

"That's right girl, work it!"

She's very drunk. No one says that unless they're drunk, right?

I'm also very drunk who gives a fuck anyway.

Tank: Devil's Rose MC #6Where stories live. Discover now