Chapter 8: Hazel Martinez

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"Enough about me."

Yeah, perfect, Hazel, just brush past it.

"What about you, Tank?"

"What about me?"

"Spill all your secrets. I spilled mine," I proclaim with my arms crossed dramatically.

He grins at me, tilting his head faintly.

"Maybe not all of them, boss."

He bends down, staring me down with twinkling and heavy eyes. My heart thuds in my chest as our bodies move closer together. I no longer just have an alcohol buzz. I glance toward the bar, locking eyes with Nick, and wave him over to our table. Tank snaps out of his mood when he sees Nick coming our way.

I order myself two shots of vodka, desperately needing to focus on something besides how fucking attractive Tank is. This town is way too small to just fuck him and move on. Next thing I know, I'm going to be seeing him everywhere.

Nick quickly delivers the shots, watches me down them with no hesitation, and takes the empty glasses back to the bar with a shocked expression on his face.

I teach kindergarteners for a living, I know how to take shots.

"So, secrets, Tank."

"It isn't exactly a secret, but I used to be part of frat in college."

Now it's my turn to be shocked.


"Yeah, me."

"Why? How? What?"

"My dad was part of one, so I felt pressure to be in one too."

That's rather sad.

"Did you like it?"

"Eh. It wasn't bad. A lot of shit went down, but I'm a better person cause of it."

"Were you a playboy?"

He takes a long swig of beer before turning his attention back to me.

"Kinda. I think it was my way of trying to find a romantic connection with someone."

"What do you mean? Like you were trying to find love through hookups?"

He nods his head, taking a deep breath of the smoke that filters through the air. I turn to find the source and see that it's Slasher who has both Poison and Bullet yelling at him about it. He shrugs his shoulders and brushes past them to go out the front door.

When I look back at Tank, his eyebrows are furrowed, his lips tilting downward, and he seems like he's trying to kill the door with his eyes. What's his problem? Did he see something about the situation that I didn't? Is he mad at Slasher for smoking?

That would make a lot of sense. The MC members seem pretty protective of each other, so I could see why Tank would be frustrated about that. Maybe this is an ongoing issue that I just don't know about.

"Anyway, about your college experience."

He snaps out of it, his eyes softening when he looks at me.

"I hadn't felt a connection with anyone, and I didn't know where to find it. I always wanted to have that feeling, so I did what everyone else around me was doing in hopes that it would work."

"And from what you said earlier, I'm guessing it didn't."

"No. And now it's one of the biggest regrets in my life."

Tank: Devil's Rose MC #6Where stories live. Discover now