Chapter 29: Octavius West

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"Where the fuck is she?"

Usually, Hazel's still in her classroom an hour or two after to school day is over. I meet her there, and we go to the bar or head to one of our apartments for dinner and hang out for the rest of the evening. I mean, that's how this entire week has been going. 

That hasn't changed in the past few days, and she didn't give me a heads-up that it would change. I even drove past her apartment and through the parking garage, but I didn't see her car. She also wouldn't be at the warehouse looking for me because she knows my schedule, and I go to see her, she rarely comes to me. 

My next stop is the bar, but I don't understand why she would go there without me. I hope she isn't getting sick of me. I would get it if she didn't want to spend the night with me again. I know we've been spending a lot of time together, I just thought she would be able to communicate that with me. 

We've been open with each other from the start. Why does this have to be any different?

I walk out of her classroom, dodging around the rest of the teachers that are around the building, and get back onto my bike. I'm going to check the bar. Though I'll be sad she went without me, I will let her do her own thing. 

I'm glad she feels comfortable going there by herself even though our relationship is different. I ride my bike faster than normal, wanting to get to her as quickly as possible. What if something happened to her? What if she got hurt? What if she needs help but can't get any? 

Fuck, now I've made myself extremely nervous. I slow down as I park in the bar parking lot, seeing her car in the lot making my heartbeat lower in rate. I peer into the bar window to check and make sure that she's okay and safe. 

Not that she wouldn't be safe at the bar, I'm just a major worrier and I have to see for myself.

I catch Persephone's gaze in the window and wave her over to the door. She excuses herself from the table and makes her way to me.

"Is Hazel alright?"

"I'm so sorry. I totally forgot to tell you that we were going to take her out tonight. I swear it's just my pregnancy brain. Please don't be mad."

"Don't worry, Seph. I understand that things happen. Does she have a ride home?"

"We've got her. I'll probably take her to your apartment though if she gets super tipsy. I don't want her to be in her apartment by herself."

"Please do. I would rather you just bring her over to my home either way."

"I am sorry that I didn't give you a heads-up. I know how you guys are about that."

"It's all good. Have a great time. Let me know if you need anything at all."

"I will, I promise. Get home safe."

"You too."

"And you all need to induct Nick already. He's incredible."

I grin up at her, knowing that Alpha already told her about our Christmas plans for him. He's only got two more weeks to wait before he gets his cut. I think we've already had most of it done, we just need to know what name he's chosen or what the guys came up with.

"Alright, I'll leave you ladies alone. Drop her off at my apartment when y'all are done partying."

"For sure. See you in a couple of hours."

A couple of hours? My goodness, please don't let them get into too much trouble. They've got eyes on them, but it still makes me nervous to leave them alone. I know they can handle themselves, I just get nervous about them not being able to get home. 

But Persephone said they already have a plan in place and if that doesn't work out, I trust the other MC men to get them home safely. There's part of me though that feels like I should be the one watching her and making her come home with me. 

She needs time with the girls, but I feel guilty for not being there for her. It's going to be okay though. And if Hazel were to need anything, she knows she can just call or text me and I would be there as soon as possible.

I would probably just get in the way of their time anyway.

I feel much better on my way home, and I feel as though I can finally relax. The smell of Christmas flows into my nose as I walk into my apartment, the Christmas tree filling the space along with my cinnamon and nutmeg candles. 

I fucking love Christmas time. It seriously is the best time of year. I feel like a better person during the holidays. I love them.

I hang my cut into the closet, put my shoes on my shoe rack, and toss my clothes in the dirty laundry bin. I like to keep my apartment clean and tidy because it's my safe space to relax. I'm one of those people who can't relax if there's a mess, so if I keep it clean, then I never have to worry about coming home to a dirty apartment and having to clean it. 

Besides sweeping, washing my sheets, and doing bigger chores like that, I'm more worried about dirty clothes all over my bedroom, dishes in the sink or dishwasher, my bed unmade, and little things like that. 

I think as a kid growing up, and having my parents keep the house perfectly clean all the time, I'm used to that. It's hard for me to function in chaos and deal with the messiness.

Hazel isn't too bad about cleaning up after herself, but she's one to toss a jacket across the couch and not pick it up until she needs it again. Or leave dishes in the sink for the next day instead of handwashing the ones that don't fit into the dishwasher. That's not my style at all.

I take a quick shower, letting the hot water wash away the dirt and grim on me from a day of working on cleaning weapons and motorcycles. 

Usually, that's a prospect's duty, but they needed a little extra help with a couple going away from the holidays (which I understand and support without hesitation), so I decided that it would be good for me to help out. 

Plus, it allows me to get to know the prospects more as their VP and feel out who could take on some more responsibility. There's no one I'm concerned about which is good. There have been a few of those in my lifetime, but everyone that I've had close interactions with so far doesn't give me weird or bad vibes. 

I pull on gray sweatpants to sleep in before going into my kitchen and heating up some leftover pasta, sauteed mushrooms, and garlic bread for my dinner. Simple but delicious.

I pour myself a glass of red wine and watch the Shooter on Netflix from the kitchen. I'm not the biggest tv watcher, I'm more of a listening-to-a-podcast or reading type of guy, but every so often, I get into a show that I kind of enjoy and can sit for an episode or two. 

My favorite shows are the limited series ones because you don't have to dedicate a ton of time to them, and it's fast-paced so it never gets boring. I'm about halfway through my second episode when I hear a knock on the door. There's only one person that could be.

Hazel stumbles in, slurring a random jumble of words as Persephone dumps her into my arms.

"Good luck with her."

"Thank you for driving her."

"Of course. She's shitfaced."

That wasn't hard to tell.

Seph's steps disappear down the hall, and I make sure that Hazel is steady while I close the front door.

"Sexfy shuffles. I mean, mushules."

Oh my gosh. What the hell?

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