Chapter 23: Hazel Martinez

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"I think the girls want to do the whole Secret Santa thing now. I'll be with them."

"Okay. If you need anything, you know where I am."

Octavius lays a kiss on my cheek before letting go of my hand and watching me walk through the crowd back to the ladies. Persephone, ever the organizer, hands me a pen and paper, telling me to go to a table and write down a few ideas for Christmas presents. 

I do as she says and put the folded piece of paper in a motorcycle helmet with Christmas stickers on the outside of it. At least it doesn't smell like sweat. I reach into the helmet when it comes to my turn only to pull Beatrice's name out of the helmet. That pick could have been way worse. 

I know her the best out of all of the Old Ladies, so I'm happy with that choice. I still have no idea what I'm going to get her. Probably something for her baby and then something to do with self-care. Two things she needs. I try not to be too obvious about who I got, but I've never been a good liar.

Once all the ladies have chosen, we watch the men and children do their own Secret Santa raffle-type situations. Octavius immediately comes up to me, having gotten Whiskey. The way things work out baffles me. Now, we can buy presents together instead of me being the only one freaking out about what to buy them. 

Soon after getting our Secret Santa people, we head back to Tank's apartment which is astounding. He takes me on a full tour but avoids his bedroom to not make me uncomfortable. 

And though I'm grateful he's thinking of my feelings, is it wrong that I want him to rip off my clothes and do whatever he wants with me? I mean, with the way he's looking at me from across his living room, he feels the same.

I clear my throat, trying to ease the tension in the room. It doesn't help. Not when he steps forward, his eyes darkening. Not when he effortlessly tosses his cut onto the couch, his muscles straining under his shirt. 

He curls his pointer finger at me to call me over to him. I clutch the bottom of the long sleeve he wears, slowly peeling it off his body. Goosebumps from the change in temperature line his chest, his stormy eyes meeting mine. I step forward, wrapping my arms around Octavius's waist. 

He whispers my name with heavy emotion, warming my soul. I gently touch my lips to his chest to leave a trail of fire across his chest and down his torso. He slips his arms around me, reeling me in, his body fitting against mine, perfectly.

Octavius tilts my face up, his hand caught behind my neck and the base of my jaw. I kiss him, soft and slow. He pulls me tighter, pressing me against the living room wall. He bunches up the hem of my shirt, and his hand slips under the material to skim the smooth skin of my waist. 

He parts my legs with his thigh, and I moan. He is driving me insane. Octavius buries his face in my neck, his hands slowly moving up under my shirt, feeling my skin. I kiss his neck, trying to prevent myself from pushing myself closer to him.

"I wanna lose myself inside of you. How do you always feel so amazing?"

I cling to him. My eyes are full of desire.

"How do you always do this? How do you make me feel so good?"

He breaks away from me. He takes two steps back, breathing hard. My eyes widen, and my arms go still.

"Octavius. What-"

"Take off your clothes."

I shove the material of pants and underwear down, panting heavily. I toss off my shirt, unhook my bra, and let them join the rest of my clothes on his hardwood floor.

Tank: Devil's Rose MC #6Where stories live. Discover now