Chapter 34: Octavius West

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"So Rubble. How are you feeling?"

"This is the best day of my fucking life. Thank you for everything. It means so much to me. This is my home, you know? And I'm glad that I can support it in a more active role. I've been looking forward to this for a while now, and I'm so fucking happy that I've finally done it."

"Thank you, man. You've done so many great things for us over the past few years, and we couldn't be more excited to give you your cut. We are so happy to have you join us."

"Me too. This is just incredible."

"You're incredible. You really are."

I give him a pat on the back and take him into my arms for a tight hug. He truly has done so many wonderful things for us. From protecting our children and women to saying uplifting words when we need them the most in difficult times, we wouldn't be where we are today without him. 

Plus, Scout and he are the closest of friends. We couldn't have them separated at different ranks for long. Not that there was jealousy, but it was keeping them apart from hanging out on their motorcycles. That's never any fun. I have to find a new man to boss around though.

I glance around the room, searching for my girl. When I find her, she's giving Piper a huge hug. 

I wanna hug.

"So, Tank. How are you feeling?"

"About what?"

"Hazel, you idiot."

"Thank you for such kind words, Poison."

He glares at the sarcasm that flows from my mouth.

"I'm being serious. You need to make it official."

"Old Lady official, you mean."

"There is no other official. You two are perfect for each other. You have to commit."

"We are committed. It's only the labels that are different."

"Oh, come on, Tank. You know you want to say that she's your Old Lady," Whiskey butts in.

I might not give him his Secret Santa gift now.

"You should ask her."

"And you don't think it's too fast?"

"You guys are happy, that's all that matters. We all have fast relationships around here. It's normal. She doesn't seem concerned about it. You told her about the Old Lady thing?"

"Yeah, I'm not hiding anything from her."

"She didn't run, Tank, so she isn't worried about the fastness of it all. She stayed because she cares for you and wants you. She knows MC's life and she stayed. She knows your past and she stayed. She isn't scared about what she might know in the future. That's love. You have to take a chance on it."

"You're right. I know you're right," I admit with a sigh, "I'm just nervous as fuck."

"Then it truly means something, Tank. Take the chance," Poison declares.

I pat him on the head, having no words for how much I love him. He's so fucking amazing. I make my way across Alpha's living room, slipping between groups of people and conversations. I excuse myself into the light conversation she's having with Teegan who isn't an official member but a close friend of Fiona I believe, so she's invited. 

Concern arises on Hazel's face, but as I guide her into the backroom of Alpha's house, I reassure her that nothing bad happened only that I have to tell her something urgently. My blood pulses heavily through my veins, my hands practically shaking, and a thin layer of sweat gathering on my forehead.

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