Chapter 31: Hazel Martinez

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After Octavius fucks me a few more times, we decide to watch a Marvel movie, Age of Ultron specifically, to calm ourselves down and give a quiet moment together before having to start our day. My headache and any other hungover symptoms have gone away with no sign of return. 

I guess all I needed to heal was fucking. Here's the thing about calling it fucking though. Some of the rounds are indeed hard and fast. He grips my throat, bites my skin, slaps my ass, brings tears to my eyes, the whole bit. 

And then there are other times when he savors every stroke, dragging it out, kissing me delicately, and holding my body close. I hate to say 'making love' because it's disgusting and cringy, but it's a different sensation than when were are fucking.

The two rhythms of sex aren't the same in feeling and emotion although I love them both equally. It's hard to say that we're only fucking. It's hard to say that it's not one of the most intimate experiences of my life. 

There's so much I appreciate about having sex with Octavius because it's not just one thing. With the sex I've had before, it wasn't versatile. The men I was with wanted it one way and one way only. I was in a single position the whole time and every time. That's no fun for me. 

Then sex becomes a chore than something that I loved to participate in. And since it's no longer fun, I'm no longer having orgasms, and then, I have to face it and it's awkward.

However, he's nothing like those men. He is down to play around. Every time, he wants to try something new, something unfamiliar. He wants to know what feels best for the both of us which makes all the difference. He knows that sex isn't all about him and it's not all about me, it's a way for us to find connection and intimacy. 

It sounds cheesy and like I've overcomplicating sex, but I'm telling the truth. It's fun and we have a great time, but it's also more than that. I love that feeling, and I love that we're feeling it together. 

I love that he understands how I feel about sex and that he's willing to communicate with me about it. I love that he loves aftercare and taking care of each other afterward. I love everything about how he approaches sex. I love him.

I feel his lips kissing my shoulder lightly, his nose pressing into my skin. He runs his fingers through my hair, but he's careful not to tug too hard because of the knots in my hair. I hold my breath as Ultron and Captain America fight on top of a truck. 

Octavius places a hand on my stomach, sweeping his thumb over my skin, mumbling about how soft I feel. I even asked the ladies about that last night. I didn't know if it was only him who was obsessed with the feeling of my skin, but the other ladies expressed that all of their men have the same obsession with their skin. 

It's like a major bonus for them if our skin is soft, but I don't know why. It's an odd thing to be turned on by, I'm going to be honest, but all I do is use shea butter. And it's not like Octavius's skin is rough. He has chest hair and normal body things, but it's not rough. It's normal. 

But he comments on the feeling of mine all the time. 

Men are so weird in that way but whatever.

I brush my fingers over his chest, trying not to smile at the happiness I feel laying in this bed with him. He grunts as I push my pelvis into the side of his body. He knows all my signals. I let my fingers drift further down, but I don't touch him exactly where he wants me. 

He's not the only one around here that can tease. His fingers drift up the insides of my thighs, avoiding my labia and clitoris, moving up my stomach and chest, avoiding my nipples, and wraps his hand around my throat. 

I buck my hips against him, moaning at the slap that occurs when my wet pussy hits his thick leg. The whimper that exits my mouth is completely unexpected.

"You like that? You like a sting on that sweet pussy?"

He removes his hand from my throat, reaches back down between my legs, and gives me a firm slap to my pussy. I buck my hips again, begging for more. Oh my god, oh my god. How have we not tried this before? Holy fuck, I want more. And that's what he gives me. 

He pinches and slaps and tugs at my labia, watching my face for signs of intense discomfort, but continuing when he doesn't find any. He bites down on my nipples, giving me another sharp pain, and it's like my body completely falls apart. I'm cumming before I even get the chance to warn him, my arousal coating his fingers and thighs.

"My little masochist."

He says that as if it's the most normal and casual thing.

"Please, please, please, Octavius."

"Please what? What do you want?"

He knows exactly what I want, he just wants me to say it aloud.

"I want you to fuck me, please."

The sounds of screams come from the tv, and I remember that we're supposed to be watching a Marvel movie, but I don't seem to care anymore. Sex to a Marvel movie. That's new.

His lips explore my neck before guiding themselves to my lips. His one hand squeezes and caresses my breasts, the other continuing to play with my pussy. I moan again, pushing myself into his hand, needing more from him. 

He slides two fingers inside me, and I gasp as they move at a rapid pace. I wonder if he's ever gotten a hand cramp from finger fucking me so hard. I can imagine that hurting more than a person would think. He doesn't stop though, so I don't think he's concerned about it. 

I watch his eyes turn hungry with lust. Fuck, I want to see him look at me like that for fucking ever. I let my fingers trace his abs, and my hands move over his back and chest. He is on top of me, kissing me, touching me, his fingers inside of me again.

He cages me within his arms, subtly dominating me in the way I enjoy the most, and I couldn't be happier than I am right now. My whole body, mind, and soul are in this moment. There is nothing else but him. All my worries, my complaints, and my goals are gone. 

I just want him for the rest of my life in whatever form he'll have me. My heart tugs toward him, it guides me to a person that I call home. All the hardships and struggles I have faced are worth it knowing that they lead me to him, to this moment that can never be replaced or forgotten. 

What I would give to have him forever. What I would do to continue having perfect moments like this?

Octavius moves between my legs, his cock pressing into my pussy but not inside of me. Another tease that he cannot resist. I reach down, holding his hot cock in my hand, and command him to get inside of me. He kisses me calmly and delicately, his tongue gentle against my own. 

He thrust into me, showing me no mercy with the size of him but he knows I can take it, and apparently, I enjoy the pain too. Our thrusts match, frantic and wanting. His body presses up against mine. Our kisses are messy and rocky as we buck into one another. It doesn't take long for us to cum, him pulling out and erupting over my stomach. 

The warmth of his sperm sends a shiver through my body, and I instantly want to taste it (he stops me though). We sit in silence for a minute or two, our bodies shaking in pleasure still. With another kiss on my lips, he gets out of bed, lifts me into his arms, and carries me into the shower. 

I could get used to this. 

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