Chapter 32: Hazel Martinez

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"You know what we need to do today?"


"Go shopping for the Secret Santa thing."

"We do only have two weeks huh?"

"Yeah. I was thinking of getting Beatrice self-care stuff since she's such a busy mom. You have Whiskey right, Octavius?"

"I do. He's been talking about this certain cutting board for a while. So I'm going to get him that with a new knife set."

"Sounds like a plan," I sighed while washing my hair.

"You okay, pumpkin?"

"I'm okay. Sorry for worrying you. I'm just tired. I'm ready for Christmas."

"Me too, my girl, me too. But we're going to make it."

"Yes, we are. I could use another nap though."

He rubs my back as he ducks under the water to get the soap off his body.

"Before shopping, we can get some coffee and a pastry from Westmoor Coffee Cafe. After we're done, we'll come back here and have a sleepy day. Would you feel better if we did?"

"That's perfect. Thank you for taking care of me."

"Always, pumpkin. I love taking care of you."

He kisses me tenderly, hugging me under the hot streams of water.

He knows exactly what I need.


"Oh my god, this coffee is so fucking amazing!"

"Are you feeling better?"

"Yes, thank you, love."

Am I ever going to settle on a nickname? I think they vary by my mood. Dipshit has been my favorite so far. That's not an all-the-time nickname though. That's for when he's doing or saying something stupid. He doesn't do stupid things all the time, so if I called him dipshit all the time, it would lose its significance. That's got to be for special occasions.

I'm hoping that something just comes to me as 'pumpkin' did for him. I kind of like 'love' though. It's cute, short, and holds romantic significance. I don't know if it's right though.

I feel his hand lay gently on my back as we move through the cafe door and down the sidewalk of Main Street. He moves around me, closer to the street where cars pass slowly, and I try not to swoon as his natural action.

The street is like something out of a Hallmark movie but without the snow. All the shops and restaurants are decorated heavily, people shopping for presents dash in and out of stores, and kids run around in circles.

Octavius holds onto me tightly as we open up the door to one of the beauty stores. He follows me around the store with a basket in hand and picks the beauty supplies off the higher shelf when I can't reach them. I strut out of the door with him still behind me, two bags in each of his hands.

I wave at the parents of children that I know while we walk down the street. I stop to talk to a few of them, asking how their winter break is going so far and how their kids are doing.

Octavius stands behind me for a moment while I chat with a dad about what he's getting his daughter, but feeling slightly uncomfortable, he bends down to my ear to notify me that he's going to go into the store to look for Whiskey's gift.

I acknowledge him by squeezing his forearm with my hand and nodding my head.

Soon after that, I say goodbye to the father and let him continue shopping. I step inside the kitchen hardware store and it doesn't take long for me to find Octavius and his body towering over the low shelves. He winks at me when he sees me, waving me over with his pointer finger.

I latch my hand around his lower arm and let him guide me around the store while he buys the presents he needs. I observe him doing his thing, not-so-subtly eyeing how handsome he is. He can do anything and he's handsome.

I ask him if he needs any help carrying his bags, but he says no, not wanting me to handle a thing. I roll my eyes but comply. There's no point in arguing about it. I take the final bite of my croissant and steal one of the bags from his hand.

"Pumpkin, no, I got it."

"Tank, please let me help you."

"Okay, fine. But let me know if you get tired."


We shop for a couple of more hours, checking to see if there's anything else we would like to buy. We head back to my apartment for the evening with grocery bags with spaghetti pasta, red sauce, zucchini, and garlic bread for us to cook.

Octavius sets our Secret Santa presents in my bedroom before coming back into the kitchen to help me cook our dinner for tonight. We move around each other in the kitchen, listening to Meghan Trainor's Christmas album and playing and dancing with one another.

We set the table with a glass of red wine for us to share. We clink our glasses, smiling brightly and tipping our heads toward one another. I live for quiet nights like this. Just being able to be with him is more than I could ever ask for.

We watch the rest of Age of Ultron on the to since we didn't get a chance to finish it this morning with distractions and then head to bed. I straddle Octavius's waist, holding the sides of his face to give him a soft kiss. My body lights on fire as our tongues touch.

Our lips turn greedy and desperate as we soak each other in. His eyes darken as he gazes at me. I reach down to the edge of my shirt, pulling it off my body.

His hands nimbly glide over my skin, sending goosebumps everywhere. I touch the bottom of his shirt, and I pull it over his head when he gives me the go-ahead. My finger trace over his chest and abs. His muscles tighten as I move over them.

I kiss his neck softly, smiling against his skin when he moans under my touch. His hands find the back of my bra, and he guides the straps down my arms and off my body. He slowly kisses down my neck and my breasts.

He plays with my tight nipples, having me squirm over the front of his body. He moves his hand over my stomach and to the buttons on my pants.

"Can I?"


My pants and underwear come off fast and with some seriously awkward maneuvering. I suck in a breath as the cold air hits my pussy. Octavius gently rubs me before sticking his two fingers inside, making a loud moan erupt from my mouth. His long fingers curl inside me, his thumb circling my clit.

I cum with a thrust that matches his fingers, my arousal coating his fingers and part of the sheets of my bed. He sucks the wetness off one of his fingers before touching the other one to my lips. I sensually suck on his finger. I watch him harden through his pants, my fingers clenching in a desire to touch him.

He lets me undo his pants and yank them down to expose his cock. I let my tongue touch the tip of his erection before putting more in my mouth. I glide my tongue over the surface and suck on him. I tease him some more, but soon he holds the back of my head, urging me to go faster, loving the sound of his groans and moans.

In a quick movement, he comes into my mouth, his hot cum shooting down my throat. I taste the saltiness going down my throat and moan as his lips slam into mine, his tongue dancing in my mouth. He reaches his bedside table and opens the drawer to pull out a condom.

"I'm going to fuck you now."


Octavius nips my ear and lets out a breathy laugh while sliding the condom on. He enters me hard and fast, a sharp pain hitting me, but I almost convulse just at that feeling. He fucks me harder and harder, and I'm pretty sure claw marks are on his back.

Our moans are quick to fill the air, with so much pleasure, sweat, and screaming. Once we are done, our bodies exhausted, he cleans me up slowly before climbing back into the bed. I tangle my legs with him, and we swiftly fall asleep cuddled up against one another.

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