Chapter 24: Octavius West

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I fuck her deep and hard. Biting down on her skin, marking her mine. Hazel's nails dig into my back, her moans echoing throughout the room. I slap her ass as I push harsher into her and smirk at the red that stains her body. 

I reach my hand around her waist and between her legs, playing with her dripping pussy ferociously, wanting her cum for the fifth time this evening. We've been at it for a couple of hours now. I've had to take a couple of breaks to myself time to get hard again. 

When being inside her warm pussy, it doesn't take me long to cum, but I always make sure she gets off first. She hasn't complained and she never will. I run my tongue along her spine, growling out at her softness. 

She leans back, giving me more access to her, letting me wrap my hand around her throat. I pull out for a quick second and flip her over before thrusting myself back into her. I lean down, sucking and biting relentlessly on her nipples.

"Oh fuck, Octavius, fuck. That feels so good."

That's what I wanna hear. For the rest of my goddamn life.

I throw one of her legs over my shoulder, lifting her ass off the bed. She's so fucking flexible. I groan in frustration, wanting more of her. Wanting every inch of her. She bites on her lower lip, whining and begging for a release.


I push inside her deeper and harder, flicking her sensitive clit at a delicate pressure. Her moans fill me with pleasure when she comes; the feeling of her vagina massaging and tightening around me while her juices coat my dick and lower stomach along with the lifting of her hips sends me over the edge, my cum erupting into the condom. 

My mind goes blank, a euphoric daze filling my every sense. We sit there for a moment as we both try to calm ourselves down. I gently pull myself out of her, not wanting to sit in her welcoming pussy for too long, and carefully take off the full condom. 

I tie it and get out of bed to grab her a warm towel and throw the condom away in the bathroom. Slightly dizzy, I make my way into the bathroom and get everything taken care of before making my way back to her. I wipe her gently and whisper praise about how good she is while she brushes her teeth.

I help her rinse her mouth out with a glass of water next to the bed, grab her more water, get myself ready for bed and crawl back into the sheets with her. I run my hand up and down her back and lay her head on my chest. 

We cuddle while talking about how much fun we both had at the MC get-together tonight. I am just beginning to learn about the importance of aftercare. 

As a young man, this affection after having sex was never depicted to me. No one ever told me about the importance and necessity of aftercare. Not just falling asleep and not talking or helping each other calm down. I totally missed out on one of the best parts of being in an intimate relationship with someone. 

I didn't have a lot of opportunities for trying out aftercare either. Now that Hazel and I naturally do it, I can't believe I ever had sex without it. It's so fun and intimate and sweet to be with her skin-to-skin after she fully trusts me with her body.

It should be talked about more.

We gradually fall asleep together, the sound of the wind sending us into our dreams.

I wake up to the sound of the shower running. I yawn tiredly, glancing at the clock to see that it's seven am. Jesus fucking Christ. She has to go function around little kids all day and didn't get that good of sleep. I should've been more careful about making sure she wasn't up too late. I didn't even think about that.

I'm such an idiot. I hope she isn't too mad about it. I honestly didn't mean to keep her up so late, but we were having such a good time. The thought that she would have to get up early didn't even cross my mind. What the hell is wrong with me? I totally should've thought about that.

I jump out of bed, throw on some boxers, and make her a quick breakfast consisting of avocado toast and a strawberry smoothie with her favorite, a spoonful of peanut butter, on the side. When I get back into the bedroom, the shower is still going, so I decide that I should just join her. I knock on the door to hear her sweet 'come in.'

"Good morning, pumpkin."

"Good morning, Octavius. Come join me."

Don't mind if I do.

I grab my toothpaste and brush, then, open up the door to the shower. She pulls me into a comforting and warm kiss, slightly yanking me under the burning hot water. What the shit? How can she shower in this water temperature? My fucking goodness.

"I'm sorry if I kept you up too late. I didn't even think about you having to deal with kindergartens today."

"Oh, don't worry about it, Octo-" Octo, I'm never going to like that. That's a Star Wars character or a shape- "I've pulled all-nighters before."

"With anyone in particular?"

"Not like that, dipshit."

Dipshit. Another good one.

"Then why are you staying up all night?"

"Because Netflix exists."

Knowing her, that makes more sense than anything.

She leans forward, kissing me softly on the lips. I could so get used to this. With one hand on her bare hip, the other behind her neck, I tilt her head back up to mind, lowering my lips to hers once again. I'm consumed by her. 

Chills running over my skin, a fire burning inside of me, blood rushing through my veins. I press her body closer to mine as she wraps her arms around my neck. She holds tightly onto me, her lips fierce and powerful. 

I bite her lower lip and deepen the kiss, groaning at the contact with her tongue. My hands latch into the strand of her hair, tugging at the wet strands of hair. My lungs burn as I pull away, my chest heaving forcefully.

I kiss the top of her head, getting a whiff of my shampoo in her hair.

"Are you using my shampoo?"

"I mean, I didn't have much of a choice."

"I don't mind, you know."

Why would I?

"You don't?"

"No, not at all. It's fucking sexy."

"I'm glad you think so."

We finish up the shower soon after, and I drop her off at her apartment to let her get a new change of clothes. I say goodbye to her at the door, accepting that I should get to the warehouse before I get into trouble with Alpha. 

As much as he understands what it's like being worried about someone, he also knows that I still need to get work done. I can't be hanging around Hazel all the time, that I know. When I show up at the warehouse, I find a couple of motorcycles already out front, and I scan them to see that it's Bear and Reaper's bikes. 

I wonder how long they've been here. 

I walk into the warehouse to see them standing over one of the monitors that watch over the entrance of the police station. To clarify, the police know that we have access to the camera. It's not like we're spying on them without their permission.

Ever since Alpha gave us the order to be on our toes yesterday, new security measures have already been put into place. Every single person who walks through those doors is scanned to see if they've already been in the system and what they did. 

So far, there's nothing out of the ordinary. And I have a feeling there won't be. We took down a large Columbian drug organization near the border of Mexico about three months ago. After shit like that, it takes another few months for other organizations to be confident enough to make mistakes. 

We show dominance, organizations dive back under the surface where it's harder to get to them, and once they feel we aren't looking into them anymore, that's when they start to make more mistakes. It's a known pattern. So we have some time before we have to face more assholes.

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