Chapter 15: Octavius West

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"What was that?!"

"I get weird-ass vibes from him."

She doesn't disagree with me, meaning something happened to her. If he fucking touched her, he has no idea what's coming for him.

"What happened? Is he why you were drinking?"

"It's nothing to worry about."

Bullshit, that's such fucking bullshit.

I desperately try not to blind with rage, but I go numb. Whatever Hazel says to me goes over my head, and my only thoughts are directed toward putting Jack in his place. He has no right to make her uncomfortable, no one should be doing that. 

I can barely breathe, my heart pounding violently in my chest. Holy fuck, I haven't felt this type of savage anger in a long time. Needing to ground myself slightly, I press a light kiss on top of Hazel's head and follow after the asshole. 

I hear her swear behind me, but she doesn't try to stop me. I'm not going to kill him. Even though I have a strong urge to. I knock on his classroom door and push it open harshly when I hear his fucking voice on the other side. His eyes go wide as I storm in, my fists clenching.

"Don't you ever fucking make her uncomfortable again. If you fucking speak to her, I will fucking kill you. She's mine. You understand, motherfucker? Don't you fucking dare."

I see the wet spot in his pants before I can even comprehend what's happening. He just pissed himself. That went better than expected.

"I won't, sir. Please, please don't kill me. I swear I won't go near her."


I leave him standing there in the middle of his classroom, piss dripping down his leg. Lunch must be over when I walk into Hazel's room because she's laughing near the whiteboard as little children walk quickly around her room, trying to find something. 

A kid from the back corner squeals in delight and hold up a small red ornament. Oh, so she did a Christmas ornament hunt. She gives me a firm side-eye glance but doesn't say anything in front of the children. 

Instead, she focuses them on a shape/holiday coloring project once they have gathered all of the ornaments hidden around the classroom. Once she sees that they are all set for a couple of minutes, she comes up to me where I stand close to the door.

"How bad did you hurt him?" she questions in a low tone.

"He might have pissed his pants."

She smirks up at me, and I can't help but do a double take. So, she doesn't seem that pissed about it. That's a win for me.

"Do you want to do the Christmas lights? Cause that would be super helpful."

"Yeah, of course, I can help. Let me just call Alpha real quick."

"Thank you so much!"

After a pat on my chest, she begins wandering around the room and complimenting the students on their work. The phone rings for like two seconds before Alpha picks up the phone.

"You're staying the rest of the day."

"Yeah," I answer sheepishly.

"I fucking knew it. Bear, you owe me twenty bucks."

Of course, they bet on it. I expect nothing less.

"So, how's Hazel?"

"She's fine."

"Don't be embarrassed, Tank. I've been there. I am there. I understand."

"I just feel like I'm neglecting Devil's Rose but at the same time, there's nothing I would rather be doing."

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