Chapter 18: Hazel Martinez

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"Hazel, talk to me."


"What's going on in that beautiful brain of yours?"

"I'm just anxious to have you in here."

"I'm not going to hurt you. I can leave if you want. You are the last person on this earth that I would ever want to hurt."

"I know that. I do. I'm not worried you're going to physically hurt me."

Oh, shit. That's why I'm worried about it. Because I've been hurt before, and I've become so close to him so fast, I think he's going to emotionally hurt me too. That makes a lot of sense.

"Ah, I understand now. Are you overwhelmed by how quickly our relationship has been developing?"

Business talk. He's nervous.

"I am, yeah. And it's not like I'm not wanting it to continue in this direction. But it's been a long time since I've been in any relationship, and in my last one, I was feeling something he wasn't. I was feeling more feelings than him. He didn't even love me and we were together for three years, and I thought we were endgame, I guess. I don't know where we stand, so it makes me nervous. And that heightens my anxiety for everything, even you coming into my apartment."

"Well, here's where I stand. I want a relationship with you. Whatever label you want. I'll be your boyfriend or the guy that takes you on dates to push through the fear of being in a relationship again. I will do whatever you are comfortable with because I want you."

My heart practically jumps out of my chest, tears gather in my eyes, and my hands shake. He steps closer to me, his chest pressed against mine. The words spill out of my mouth as if they are the most natural thing in the world. I think they just might be.

"I want you too."

He holds the sides of my face, his stormy eyes staring intently into mine.

"I wanna kiss you."

"You should."

His lips against mine ignite a fire within me. He latches one hand into my hair, sending shock waves of desire down my spine. The strokes of his tongue have me reaching for his belt buckle, a deep grunt leaving from the depths of his throat. 

He reaches down and helps me undo the buttons of his jeans when I fumble, my brain much more focused on how fucking good he feels. Fiercely passionate and hungry, his hands move down the sides of my body, dipping under the fabric of my sweater to feel my skin. 

He places one hand on my spine, the other on my stomach, pressing me ever closer to his body. Our chests rise and fall forcibly while we desperately try to gain our breath, wanting to kiss each other without suffocating.

"Are we going any further than kissing tonight?"

"Do you want to, Tank?"

"I want to. Do you?"

"Yes, I do."

I don't think I've seen him that happy.

"If we are gonna, I want you to know my name."

"So I can moan it?"

"Well, that, and I feel like it's weird for you to not know it."

"Wait, wait, let me introduce myself."

Tank looks at me confused as I turn around, but he doesn't question anything out loud. Instead, he indulges me, letting me take control of this moment. I face him once again, holding out my hand for a handshake.

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