Chapter 20: Octavius West

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"Good morning, pumpkin."

"What time is it?"

"Six am."

Hazel groans out, rubbing the sleepiness from her eyes with the back of her hand.

"Don't make me get up."

"You have young padawans to teach."

"Not today."

"It's only Tuesday."


"Ask the person who created the five-day workweek. Or whoever invented the week and named the days."

She purses her lips, staring up at me with a harsh expression in her eyes, but she starts to soften when she sees the freshly made cup of coffee in my hand. I press a kiss to her while passing it to her, slipping back under the covers to cuddle her awake. 

I lean my back against the headboard as she leans her head against my chest. I hug her waist with one arm, dipping my head into her neck, and lay a light kiss on her soft skin. She intertwines a hand into mine, taking a deep breath. 

We sit in silence, enjoying the peace and quiet of the morning, relishing in the feeling our of skin touching. I take a sip of my coffee and try to hide my smile. However, I'm not quick enough. She tilts her head up, catches my smile, and winks up at me. 

I lean down and daintily kiss her lips, soaking in the feeling of this beautiful and perfect morning.

"Thank you for the coffee, Octavius."

"Of course. I knew you would want some."

"What do you have to do today?"

"Probably a run of some sort. Or a meeting with the Chief of Police. Or both. I'm not sure," I answer, trying to sound casual so I don't worry her.

"Can I know anything?"

"I think you know the answer to that question."

She shrugs, taking another sip of coffee.

"It was worth a try."

Hazel rolls out of bed, naked and all, giving me a view of a lifetime. She looks so gorgeous in the early morning with the sunrise beaming through the blinds. I run my hand over my head as I watch her walk into the bathroom, the shower water beginning to run.

"Are you gonna join me or not?"

I certainly do join.


"How was your night?"

"It was good."

"I can imagine so. You're wearing the same clothes as yesterday."

"Poison, shut up, okay? I didn't have time to get home before Alpha called."

"So you didn't spend the night in your own home then. What does Hazel's apartment look like?"

"If you say one word."

"I promise you, I'm not going to have to say anything."

If strangling him wouldn't kill him, I would strangle him right now.

I walk into Alpha's office and see the main group standing and sitting around chatting. I say good morning to everyone, and I can feel the teasing tension in the air. They all want to say something. I can't believe them. They can't leave me and my decisions alone for one minute. Everyone's gotta be involved in my love life. 

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