Chapter 30: Octavius West

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"Come on, pumpkin, let's get you to bed."

"I don't wanna," she exclaims, pushing her body away from mine and stumbling back into the couch.

"Uh, yes, you are."

"But babe..."

Another nickname that I could get used to.

"I'm not kidding, Hazel."

"Shern voice. Don't-" she pauses for a hiccup "-shuse thaf on me.

"Alright, alright."

I guide her into my bedroom and flop her onto the bed. She giggles as she bounces about an inch up. I swear to god. This woman is going to kill me. I can't stand how fucking adorable she is. I grab her face wash and a warm cloth from the bathroom, gently cleaning her face while she talks about her time at the bar. 

I can barely understand what she's saying, but I nod along anyway, seeing nothing wrong with playing along. I pull off her jacket and carefully slip her out of her bra but keep her shirt on, and then, I slip off her jeans and socks. She's not going to mind that I did that tomorrow.

I mean, we've seen each other naked multiple times. And by that I mean, every night. I'm sure she's not going to mind me undressing her to take care of her. 

I switch out the face wash and cloth for her toothbrush and I quickly brush her teeth and make her spit out the foam in her mouth before she falls asleep. Which happens right when her head hits the pillow. 

I untie her ponytail from her head, put water and medicine on the bedside table, and get in the bed right alongside her. She instantly rolls into my arms, placing her head on my shoulder and tucking her arms around me. I fall to sleep right with her, hugging her tight.

The sun rises in the morning with a vengeance, the hot and bright rays streaming through the windows. I didn't think I would need blackout curtains at this time of year, but I guess I was wrong. Eh, I'm too lazy to put them up anyway. 

I hear a groan coming from Hazel next to me who lays directly on top of me, her head tucked gently into my neck. Though it sounds awkward and constraining, I genuinely love when she sleeps like this. 

It provides me a level of being sheltered that I don't think I could live without now that I've found it. I run my fingers through her tangled red strands of hair to gently wake her from her deep slumber.

"Morning, pumpkin," I whisper into the quietness of my bedroom, "how are you feeling?"

"I have a little headache, but it's not bad. Thanks for taking care of me."

"Anything for you."

I point to the medicine and water next to her, calmly asking her to take them. I don't want to sound bossy, but I also know that she's going to feel much better when she does. Without an argument, she takes the medicine and gulps down the entire glass of water. 

The slight worry subsides in my chest when I see the bright smile that spreads across her face when she turns back to me. She lifts her shirt over her head, clearly giving me the go-ahead for something else.

"You are so beautiful."

She blushes, gently kissing my lips softly. My hands trace down her skin just as my tongue enters her mouth. I groan as I feel her soft skin against mine, the sharp intake of her breath flexing her stomach. I slowly nod to her when she asks for permission to touch me. 

Torturously, she pulls down my sweatpants, tugging my penis out of its confinement. I growl at the way she wraps her soft and delicate hand around my pulsing and hard cock. Goosebumps line my arms at the sensation of her fingers playing with me. 

I begin to pant like a dog, desire flooding through me, every inch of my wanting to be wrapped around her finger forever. My hand reaches down and into her underwear, feeling the slickness of her pussy as I slide my fingers through her warm and inviting vaginal lips. 

Firmly yet painless, I make patterns on her clit, pride blooming in my chest as she pushes down onto my fingers, wanting more from me. I slip two fingers inside of her, cursing at the way her vagina welcomes the intrusion, tightening, and loosening at the objects. 

My other hand glides over the surface of her skin. She's so fucking soft and warm and delicious. 

I lean down, letting my tongue get a taste of her, my lips dragging along her collarbone. I run my tongue over the tops of her breasts and around her nipples while my fingers sit inside of her still. She shivers at the multi-stimulation action she's receiving, her back arching so her body presses more demandingly into mine. 

I dip my tongue into the valley between her breasts, using my nose to move across her body, so she has a light touch in the most tender of places. She moans out my name (one of my favorite things ever) while I begin moving my fingers in and out of her. 

My other fingers play teasingly with her clit, not allowing her to feel all the pressure she wants. Just enough to keep her from her orgasm.

Until she squeezes my cock, and I'm a goner.

She convulses under my touch, her body writhing on my bed. Her first one of many this morning. I yank my fingers out of her to make her even more sensitive, leading her to another orgasm. I can see the tears gathering in her eyes, but by the stroking of my cock and her spreading her legs even wider, I know she's not done. 

She would be free to tell me to stop or no or whatever, and I would immediately take care of her. But I know she wants to be taken care of in another way. I reach into my bedside table and take out a new condom. I check the expiration date to make sure it's good before handing the opened package to her. 

She likes to put them on me. Not that I mind that at all. It's fun for foreplay.

Hazel carefully puts the condom on me before disappearing under the covers. I whine out, falling forward to catch myself on the headboard when I feel her lips encircle my cock. I reach down, grabbing the back of her head in a light grip. Shit, shit, shit. 

Her tongue moves around the weighty tip of my cock, and I can barely think straight as she uses her hands to play with my balls. My toes curl, and my entire body set on fire. Soon, I can't take it anymore. 

I yank her off my cock, forcing her onto her stomach, line her pussy up with my penis, and shove myself voraciously inside of her. She moans loudly, taking my sheets in her mouth to try and muffle her sounds for my neighbors. As much as I should care, I don't give a fuck.

"Shit, Octavius. Oh god, that feels so fucking good."

"Taking it like a good girl. I'm gonna fuck this pussy so bad. Not gonna be able to walk."

Slapping sounds fill the room, sweat dripping and mixing, our bodies shaking from the effort. I fondle her clit, so she cums faster, not being able to hold myself back too much longer. I can't believe this is my life. I can't believe that this gorgeous woman is the one I woke up next to, the one allowing me to fuck her brains out, the one daring to scream out my name.

"You've got the best fucking pussy, pumpkin. So fucking good and juicy. Shit."

And then she cums. She squirts all over my bed, cock, and stomach. She collapses onto the bed, no longer to keep herself upright. I fuck her while she continues to cum, my body giving out when I feel myself erupt inside of her. 

I moan out and into her ear as I do so, a tingling sensation all over my body. This couldn't get any fucking better. I slap her ass as I exit her vagina and smirk at the red mark that appears. 

I could get so fucking used to this. I'm already used to this. 

I want to do this every fucking day for the rest of my life. No doubt about it.

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