Chapter Four

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*Maeve Miller*

She pulled into school and grabbed her bag from the seat. People were beginning to look, but she didn't pay any mind as Caroline bounded up to her.

"Maeve! I'm so happy you decided to come here." Caroline started dragging Maeve towards the school. "Do you need my help with..." She trailed off and Maeve smiled.

"I guess. Stefan's ditching and he was supposed to help me out. So that would be amazing, Caroline. Thank you."

"Caroline." A dark-haired boy called out and Maeve watched him. You didn't even have to be a witch to know he was a werewolf. His body language screamed it. "Who's this?"

"Maeve Miller." She shook his hand and he smiled at her.

"She's new in town and is helping me out with some things." Caroline offered.

"Like what?" Tyler got more defensive.

"A furry little problem she's having." Maeve offered and Caroline smacked her arm.

"She's a witch. I also didn't tell her your name, so this isn't my fault." Maeve snickered. "She thinks she can help with your curse."

"You can fix me?" He was hopeful.

"You're not broken Tyler." She snapped, many of her friends were werewolves and she would not stand for the slander. "I can ease the pain of your first transition and even do a spell to ensure that when you are in wolf form you have control of your actions. It doesn't sound like much but trust me when I say that this is a big improvement."

"Why are you helping me?" He joined them on their walk to the office.

"Why not?" She offered and Caroline compelled her a schedule.

When they exited the office, she was surprised to see that Tyler had waited.

"So a witch huh?" He walked them to class.

"Say it louder for the people in the back."

"Sorry." He looked around and made sure no one heard her.

"Caroline will explain. I still have research to do before I start creating the spell, once that's done I'll feel better about giving you hope."

"You might not be able to do it?" His eyes dimmed.

"I can do it. I just want to do it right the first time." She walked into her class room, and he pointed at an empty seat near him.

The rest of the day went by quickly until Damon called her and demanded she meet up with him. She promised she would be there but that she had a stop first and went to visit Katherine instead.

She was almost to her car when someone stopped her.

"You're the new girl right?" She looked to the boy, and every bone in her body was screaming witch. Maeve had masked her power long ago but clearly this guy wasn't as skilled at the practice. He was muddled, not hidden.

"Maeve." She held out her hand and when they shook he felt nothing. She watched the disbelief cross his face before he re-schooled his features.

"Luca. I joined yesterday, thought we could make a new kids club." He joked, and she smiled at the wit.

"Seems rather lonely. Are we making friendship bracelets?" She quirked her head to the side, and he laughed.

"I'm down if you are. I'm gonna be at the grill later if you want to swing by."

"I'll think about it.." She opened her door and he moved to turn. "Hey Luca," He looked back at her. "Thank's for the welcome. It's not easy to make friends here." She hopped in her car and she heard him call out.

Maeve MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now