Chapter Forty-Five

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*Maeve Miller*

They stopped in the town square, not too far from where the house was.

"Are you sure you don't want us to come with you?" Caroline asked again. "What if it's a trap?"

"If it's a trap, we're dead anyway." Maeve shrugged. "Besides, this is connected to me somehow, I can feel it."

She really could. The closer she got to the town the more sure she was that this had the potential to change everything she knew.

Maeve had once said she was good at predicting the future, and she could tell that today was important, in some way or another.

Stefan nodded in understanding, used to her witchy tendencies from their time on the road. Caroline tilted her head. "Feel it?"

Maeve nodded distractedly and pulled her jacket around her tightly. "I can feel familiar magic, but I'm not sure from where?" Her eyes searched the wintery town. "I know it, though."

Stefan and Caroline shared a look while Maeve warmed her hands.

"Did you take your meds, Maeve?" Stefan put and arm over her shoulder while guiding her into the warmer coffee shop.

"I have been very good about that lately." She promised and continued rubbing her hands. "And my inability to thermoregulate is not because of my heart."

Caroline eyed her before ordering three large hot chocolates. "I remember reading that some heart conditions are worse in the winter months."

Maeve paused at smiled softly at Caroline, touched that she had actually bothered to research something. So far, Asher had been the only one to do so. "You looked?"

"Of course I did." She pushed a warm drink into Maeve's cold fingers and pulled the zipper on her jacket all the way up. "Keep your phone on, okay?"

Maeve nodded. "Promise. I shouldn't take too long."

"We'll stay here. Call if you need us for any reason, okay?" Stefan eyed her with worry.

"Okay." She turned and walked out of the shop while the vampires watched her carefully.

The town was cute, the kind of place Maeve would have been lucky to grow up in. Every window was filled with posters for kid's soccer teams, clubs, and school plays. It seemed like a very close-knit community.

She paused at the window of a bookstore with some witchy elements. There were herbs hanging in the window and some books that talked about herbal remedies and what not. She also spied a basic protection charm over the door.

She was half-tempted to go in and appraise them but thought better of it. Maeve wasn't staying in this town. She was just passing through, and if the house had no answers, she would come back.

She moved on and was drawn in by the sound of children playing.

There was a park with kids who were about ten or eleven running around for a birthday party. It was princess themed and Maeve paused to smile at how domestic everything was.

She didn't really get that. Her parents were always so protective because of her unique magic that she didn't have big parties. It never felt less special as the days were always filled with magic and happiness.

She continued looking across the street at the party and stiffened when she saw a ball begin rolling across the street. A little girl, maybe 11 came running after it. That wouldn't have been an issue if the street was empty.

Maeve didn't think before running toward her and scooping the girl up and off the street.

They had just made it across when the truck drove by.

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