Chapter Sixteen

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*Stefan Salvatore*

He needed air. Too much information was being thrown at him and he had no way to process it. Part of his life was a lie, fake, just a compelled version of the truth that he had forgotten.

It was hard to believe that at one point Klaus and him were like brothers. Truthfully, he still didn't want to believe it. Klaus had not made him remember anything so for all he knew, it could be just some elaborate lie to try and keep Stefan close.

The biggest shock came with the knowledge that Klaus was not the best predator in the word. He was running form someone, and Stefan was going to find out who.

He walked into the alley and took a deep breath. He really needed to talk to Maeve right now. She was his only voice of reason and had not failed him in the time since they were taken. Unfortunately, Henrik was keeping her away for a bit to surprise Rebekah. Someone Stefan once cared about according to Klaus.

To top everything off Damon was in Chicago. That was the entire reason Stefan was outside the bar.

Damon was looking around, and Stefan took the opportunity to slam him into a car.

"What is wrong with you?" He got in Damon's face.

"What is wrong with you?" Damon threw back. "You kill Andie one day. You save my life the next. What are you good, bad? Pick one!" He hissed.

"Klaus almost saw Elena today. You have to get her out of Chicago."

"She's not going anywhere until she's got you checked into vampire rehab and on the mend. Trust me. I've tried."

"She's the key to everything. Klaus can't know she's alive."

"What are you talking about?" Damon finally started looking slightly concerned.

"She was supposed to die in the sacrifice, and she didn't. Now Klaus can't create any new hybrids. His witch is seconds away from figuring that out."

"Maeve would never betray us like that. Family to Klaus or not." Damon didn't hesitate.

"You're right, Maeve wouldn't. Gloria would." Stefan clenched his fists. "Tell Elena to go home and forget about me."

Damon paused and Stefan did not like the expression that crossed his brother's face. It meant that Damon had done something he shouldn't have.

"Tell her yourself." Damon tipped his head and Stefan looked over to see Elena.

Elena crossed the distance, and Stefan had to take several deep breaths to make sure he was in control. Maeve usually served as his metaphorical off switch. He could not hurt her due to compulsion so if Klaus and Henrik couldn't calm him down, Maeve would bring back his humanity.

"You shouldn't be here." His eyes never left Elena's face.

"Where else would I be?" She tried.

"What do you want? Damon won't be able to distract Klaus for long."

"Come home." She moved closer and put her head in his neck.

Stefan wasn't sure what to do. It had been so long since he had been able to touch her. Eventually, he relaxed into her touch and indulged her.

It was her heart that gave her away. Maeve's heart was a soothing beat. It was irregular, had more of a thump to it. Her heart condition made the beat of her heart so recognizable to Stefan. Elena's was different, it had always had a faster heart rate but today it stood out. The amount of human blood he had been consuming must have made him more sensitive to it.

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