Chapter Forty-Eight

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*Elijah Mikaelson*

He watched as Maeve spaced out for what seemed like the tenth time before sighing and shaking his head at the others. They had tried pushing her for more information on the sacrifice, but she seemed largely unconcerned. 

He put the sandwich in her hand and turned to the other vampires who were drinking rather than bother with Maeve.

"Any ideas?" He sat next to Nik who passed him a bottle. 

"What about Bonnie? She might be able to snap her back to reality." Henrik threw a dart.

Stefan and Caroline shared a look. "That may not be a good idea at the moment." Caroline admitted. 

Klaus, whom was openly staring at Caroline set down his drink. "And why is that?" 

"Bonnie may be a little..." 

"Insane." Maeve piped up from where they didn't think she was listening. 

"Yeah that." Stefan confirmed. "She's obsessed with expression, and I honestly wouldn't have her messing with anyone's head right now." 

"Flies have auras too." Maeve muttered from where she was sitting, and the vampires shared a collective sigh. 

"We could knock her out." Nik suggested.

"That is a terrible idea." Henrik threw another dart.

"It is an option." Stefan eyed Maeve.

"She's ten times more powerful." Elijah sipped his drink. "I dare you to test your luck." 

"You're little show wasn't enough?" Nik spit out and took a long sip from his drink. "I know you had your own selfish reasons for having us be her chew toys." 

Elijah smirked. "Whatever do you mean, Niklaus? I certainly haven't waited a thousand years to watch you both get your heads knocked on straight by a teenaged witch." 

"I'll bet."

Caroline went to speak but was interrupted by Maeve sneezing and part of the bar catching on fire. 

"Not it!" Several voices called out. 

"You are children." Elijah stood and grabbed the fire extinguisher. 

Maeve watched the flames with a tired expression as he doused them. Elijah looked over at her. "I'm going to leave this here." 

"Okay." She sighed.

Elijah returned to the vampires. "So no Bonnie..." 

"Nope," Several people chorused. 

"Anyone know of any witches that won't feed us to the wolves the first chance they get?" He looked around. 

No one said anything and Elijah looked over to Maeve. "Flower, do you know any witches that would be able to help with our predicament?" 

"There's the Martins and that really nice coven in South Dakota. I think the priestess wanted to adopt me." Maeve spoke airily, and he noticed a bottle being levitated towards her before deciding it was a problem for later. "Hey! I'm not a predicament!"



"I though they died?" Stefan spoke up.

"They got better?" Maeve had the decency to look sheepish. 

Stefan sipped his bottle. "Where are they hiding and are they still mad?"

"Not going to tell and probably." She considered something. "I guess I could ask Luca, but he's gonna ask why I can't do it myself." 

Elijah considered their options. On one hand, he trusted the Martins when they worked for him. On the other, this is his little sister. 

Maeve MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now