Chapter Eleven

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*Maeve Miller*

Maeve woke up in an unfamiliar room. The sun was shining through the windows, and she pushed herself up cautiously, this would be the third time in two weeks Maeve has been kidnapped. 

She looked down at her wrists to see two silver bracelets embedded in her skin. It hurt but she had experienced worse. She already knew what it was doing. Magic was currently not an option. Unless she felt like cutting off her hands, and with enough time without she might get there. 

It's an extremely cruel thing to cut a witch off from her power. It's a part of them, and in some cases it was enough to drive them mad. 

She walked into the living room to see a bored looking Katherine and no one else in sight. The vampire handed her a coffee and Maeve accepted with a defeated look. 

"Do I even need to ask who took us?" She sat on the couch with Katherine. 

"They're British." Katherine mirrored her expression. 

"Fantastic. All things considered, Elijah would have never removed my magic." Maeve placed her head on the vampire's shoulder. 

"Told you he was the one to ask." 

"Well you helped dagger him, so pardon me for not staying in contact." Maeve snapped back, and Kat smirked. 

"At least I can finally have good conversations." She leaned back. "What did I miss, little witch?" 

"Beats me. I was out of the loop for a bit because of certain circumstances." Maeve didn't elaborate, and she didn't need to, Katherine knew. "You didn't poison this, did you?" 

"Would that be a problem?" Kat looked up. Maeve's only answer was to take another sip. "Thought so."

Maeve sighed, and Katherine looked towards the door and nodded towards it. 

Maeve understood and stayed cuddled up with Katherine with her eyes closed. She didn't know what kind of mood they would be in and trusted Katherine more than them in this moment.

The door opened loudly and the two girls turned towards it to see Henrik and Alaric walking in with a warlock walking behind them. Klaus is correct, but that would just confuse her when he body hops again.

"You're awake." Ric looked at the two distastefully. "And with my least favorite doppelgänger, no less." 

Maeve threw a pillow at the warlock who dodged it with a smirk. "Sleep well?" His eyes held mischief. 

"I don't need magic to kill you." Maeve threatened, and Katherine made a show of playing with Maeve's hair.

"Stay away from her Katerina." Ric warned. 

"Oh your name's really pretty." Maeve turned to the vamp. 

"Thank you, my darling little Maeve." Katherine's arms wrapped around Maeve tighter. 

"This is actually making me sick." Henrik went to the coffee pot. "Ready to get back in your body?" 

"I'll be back as soon as I can." The warlock promised. 

"Lap dog." Maeve mumbled and Henrik chuckled. 

"Yes, do hurry. I'm anxious to get out of this body, and if you get hung up, call me. You know how impatient I get." Alaric paid them no mind.

Katherine caught her eye and went to get more coffee for the both of them. Henrik started heading her way but Maeve just sprawled out on the couch to block him. 

"Really?" He glared before lifting her legs and replacing them on his lap. "Some things never change..." 

"Care to elaborate kidnapper number... We'll go with three." She really didn't have a count on how many people who have been involved in her relocations. 

Maeve MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now