Chapter Seventeen

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*Maeve Miller*

She watched the witch work with an uneasy expression. It was clear that Stefan hated this more than anyone and she kept trying to remind him to keep a cool expression. Something he was not good at.

Instead, he sat extremely close to her and continued playing with her hair anxiously. Maeve was beyond concerned, but not for the same reasons. Stefan knew something and she did not want to see him get hurt.

Maeve knew Gloria had found something before she even spoke. "I can sense something."

Stefan tensed and Maeve's hand played with his own, doing her best to keep him calm. Henrik and Nik moved forward, ignoring the two behind them.

Gloria continued chanting and Maeve debated blocking the magic with her own, but eventually opted against it. That would only delay the inevitable.

Gloria dropped the spell suddenly and looked at Stefan with a smug expression. "I found it."

Maeve tried to hide her disappointment, hopefully nature could survive another species thrown into the mix. If not, everyone would pay the price.

"So where is it?" Rebekah leaned forward.

"It doesn't work like that, doll. I get images. There's a girl with her friends..." Gloria was starting to explain, and Maeve finally put everything together.

Shit. This was not good. She looked at Stefan, and he looked away from her. 

"Yes, a dead girl with dead friends if I don't get my necklace back." Rebekah interrupted the older witch.

"Well, I'll have to dive back in to get the details." Gloria was clearly trying to be patient, and Maeve snorted. This was not the bunch for that.

"So dive." Nik moved forward and Maeve could not help but notice the way they were threateningly surrounding Gloria.

"I need more time." Nik leaned forward and Gloria got nervous. "And space. You're harshing my juju." She insisted.

"We can wait." Nik spoke condescendingly.

"That's not what she meant, and you know that." Maeve had enough and stood. "Magic needs conviction, and this is not the best work environment for any sane witch." She defended.

"I'm sure you can wait, Klaus." Gloria looked grateful. "But like Maeve said, that's not what I asked."

Stefan also intervened. "Hey, you know, why don't we just, uh. Why don't we just come back later? I'm hungry anyways." He threw a flirty smile at Rebekah and Maeve watched amused, that's one way to get info I guess. "I'll let you pick who we eat." He kept trying with Nik.

"And that's where I depart." Maeve stood quickly. "I want doughnuts."

Rebekah looked at her curiously, and Maeve held out her hand. "I'll let you pick the flavors." She snarked, and Henrik chuckled at the irony.

"I'm going with Maeve." Henrik announced and Rebekah followed.

"Do you like sweets?" Maeve was trying to make small talk.

"Love them." Rebekah's accent seemed to be gentler.

"Perfect introduction into modern food then." Maeve was bouncing in excitement.

"Maybe she should try the modern people instead?" Nik smirked and Maeve glared at him until he looked away. "Have fun kids." He practically ran out with Stefan.

"One day." She murmured and walked out of the restaurant with two original vampires.

She managed to keep them busy for an hour before they both claimed they wanted real food.

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