Chapter Twenty-Four

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*Maeve Miller*

As promised, the bar was completely empty when she walked in. Thierry was running late, so she just went ahead and started vandalizing the place.

She moved posters off the wall to paint sigils and symbols before recovering it up. Protection spells were carved into windowsills, and numerous candles were lit. The redecorating would be the easiest part of her day, and that alone would take hours. Once the night began and the full moon made an appearance, she was going to be going all night. Honestly, she may be going overboard, but Maeve was never one to be underprepared. 

Thierry showed up around nine in the afternoon, only to be met with a slightly angry Maeve. She had to move a lot of heavy stuff that a vampire would have been very helpful with.

"I'm so sorry." Thierry came rushing in. "I was doing something for Marcel, and I lost track of time and-" He looked behind the bar. "Why is the refrigerator lying on the ground?"

She continued setting up the spell circle. "Oh that? I had to get behind it."

"But why is it on the ground?"

"Oh I'm sorry, next time I'll break out my super strength and gently move it." She slammed her book shut. "I'm a witch with a heart condition Thierry! I had wedge myself behind it and push off the wall."

He winced at her raised voice. "I'm sorry."

Maeve took a deep-breath. "I'm sorry. I'm not really mad at you. Marcel got in my head and now I'm upset with myself." She reopened her book. "I'm a bit testy today."

"Really? I had no idea." Her head snapped towards him at his tone, and she watched as he visibly gulped.

Maeve took a deep breath and looked out the window. She was timing the start of the spell with the apex of the moon and by her calculations she was starting soon.

Maeve took her pills and sat in the middle of the circle. She took a deep breath and lit the remaining candles with her mind.

When she was connected to her magic, she could feel everything. The way the air shifts, heartbeats, muscle twitches, electricity in the air, and the way Thierry jumps when she acts wordlessly.

"Easy there." She smirked and waited to feel the moon rise.

The moon was very easily identified. It felt like a surge through her body, and her chants fell easily from her mouth.

Maeve was a very thorough witch, and extremely protective. The spell would do it's job, it would just take an insane amount of magic.

She drew every bit of power she had, and then some more. Time lost all meaning as every bit of her focus was thrown into making her barrier.

"Maeve..." She could hear Thierry, but he just sounded far away.

She felt lighter than she had in years as the weight of the spell pressed down upon her. It didn't hold her down. It lifted her up.

She could feel the spell locking into place, feel the way her body responded to her most basic instincts. Magic had always been like breathing to her. It felt like freedom.

"Maeve!" She heard more yelling as the wind in the room kicked up.

She could feel the moon climbing to its apex and the final pieces in her spell locked into place. She ceased her magic and felt the room go colder, along with the blood drying on her face.

"It's done." Maeve spoke softly and leaned back onto her feet.

Thierry stepped forward quickly only to stop outside her circle. "Maeve, you're bleeding."

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