Chapter Twenty-One

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*Maeve Miller*

It took five minutes to arrive at the compound, and in that time, Maeve felt like she was being watched for all of it. Luca felt the same, which is why he absolutely refused to let go of her for any part of the walk. In his words 'you are a small person'. It was logic she couldn't argue with.

Thierry was right however, the compound was gaudy. What he neglected to mention was how busy it would be. The dark seemed to be a big factor in that, as she could sense from outside that no one in there was human.

She smiled reassuringly at Luca before slowly pushing the gate open and stepping inside. Luca let go of her for the first time and she could feel how on edge he was.

Maeve walked in and numerous eyes turned to her. She watched as everyone straightened up and began to appraise the two new-comers in the room.

"You two lost?" A vampire straightened up and moved towards them threateningly. "Party doesn't start for an hour, and we don't like it when people are early." They were being surrounded, and Luca moved closer to her.

"I'm not here for a party. An old friend of mine gave me the address. Thierry?" She heard murmurs start around her.

"Thierry would have told us if he had any friends stopping by." The man got closer, and Maeve's hand twitched at the prospect of letting some magic out to play. "So now that I know you are lying, we get to do things my way."

He lunged, and Maeve didn't even lift a finger. She just allowed him to fall to the ground in pain. The room seemed to pause before more people tried their luck. The rest seemed to get the hint and she stepped forward.

"Now that we all know I'm not messing around." She stopped her magic. "Can someone please go and get Thierry before I start snapping necks? You'll live." She called out and Luca chuckled behind her.

"Maeve?" She heard a voice call out from the top level.

"Hey, love." She smiled up at him. "Your boys need to learn some manners." The vampires around her scoffed, and she looked at the one who approached her first. "I accept chocolate as an apology. I'm Maeve!" She held out her hand, and he looked at her incredulously.

"Deigo?" He shook her hand from the ground with a confused expression.

"A pleasure." She dropped his hand just in time for Thierry to pick her up and spin her around.

"I missed you, doll." He hugged her tightly. "Thank you so much for coming to help."

"You're family Thierry. I would do anything for you." He set her down gently before looking behind her.

"Luca." He shook his hand. "Thank you for coming. I'm glad to see you're doing okay."

"I wouldn't be if it wasn't for you and Maeve." Luca was finally starting to relax, and it made Maeve more comfortable.

"Well, let's go meet Marcel and maybe have a drink." Thierry said chipperly. "You coming Diego?" He threw an arm around Maeve.

"Sure." The man still sounded like he didn't know what was happening. "When we get there, can you explain what is happening?"

"Oh I've got it." Maeve spoke up. "I'm Maeve. This is Luca, we are here to help with some protection from the witches of this city."

"And what's in this for you?" They walked into a parlor.

"Thierry stays safe. I already said he was family." She looked back at him, and he was studying her. Maeve shrugged, she meant what she said and her heart would prove that.

"I'm glad to know I have a dependable ally." A new man walked in and began to appraise her. "I'm Marcel Gerard."

"Maeve Miller." She shook his head and smiled at him. He seemed to freeze but recovered quickly enough.

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