Chapter Twelve

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*Maeve Miller*

She now hated sleeping. For as long as Maeve could remember she loved sleeping, she loved the worlds she could create and all the things that she could do within a night. She loved the freedom. Yet, when her dreams no longer brought her peace it was getting harder to find joy within her mind.

Maeve was removed from Alaric's apartment the day of the full moon. Henrik had somehow known that Damon had visited and wanted her safely out of the way. She would be returned when the curse was broken, but until then she was forced to endure 'twin bonding' as he liked to call it.

So far they have watched everything she could subject him to, including both Disney movies and some of the worst musicals she could conjure up. It was a no go. Add in the times she got absolutely bodied by him in the trivia games and scrabble, she was not enjoying herself. He seemed to be enjoying the time immensely.

"So we can either play monopoly or sorry?" He waked in with more games. "This is the most fun I've had in years. Nic never lets me win."

"I feel like you have been cheating. I don't know why, but I do." Maeve pointed at sorry. She was very good at monopoly, and she wanted to keep believing that.

His phone started buzzing and he looked at it disappointed. "Welp curse is broken. The Doppelgänger is dead and Elijah's back on our side. Time to go!"

"Elena's dead?" Maeve couldn't believe they had lost.

"Bound to happen eventually." The boy had no remorse. "Let's go." He held out his hand and Maeve took it in shock.

"Who was used in the sacrifice? This is important Henrik." She pulled him to a stop.

He paused and looked down at his phone to text Elijah. "The werewolf Jules and some vampire Klaus had to make last minute."

"No one I know?" She needed to confirm that.


"Oh thank god." Maeve breathed out. Her friends were mostly safe. Caroline and Tyler were okay. "Did he say anything about Damon? Or Stefan?"

"Nothing I can tell you. We need to leave." He started pushing her to the door.

They walked into Ric's apartment for Henrik to deposit her on the couch, compel Katherine, and immediately leave to go help Elijah.

"Tell me everything." Maeve looked at her.

"Damon got bit saving Tyler and Caroline." Katherine spoke bluntly.

"I need to go." Maeve walked to the door only to be stopped.

"I can't let you leave."

"You're on Vervain. I'll be back in an hour. I need to help him." Maeve tried to go around her but was stopped.

"Maeve no." Katherine got in front of her. "He was already taking the potions you made for Rose and left to go try and stop the sacrifice. He's probably already dead."

"No!" Maeve pushed her. "I need to see him."

"I will die if you leave and they come back. Please."

"Kat... This is Damon."

"Then I'm sorry." Maeve was knocked out before she could even protest.

When Maeve woke up, she had to spend a day in an apologetic Katherine's company. It was an odd sight to see, given the fact that Katherine has no feelings, but Maeve was not in the mood.

It's why when the door to the apartment finally opened and she saw Henrik, Elijah, and Klaus walk in she ran to her favorite vampire.

"Elijah!" She pulled him into a hug that he returned.

Maeve MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now