Chapter Nine

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*Maeve Miller*

"Yes Dr. Martin, I will do that." She rolled her eyes as he instructed her on more ways to take care of the books. "Aren't you supposed to be driving to New York?" 

"I am, but you need to understand that this is-" He started but Maeve cut him off. 

"I have been taking care of Grimoires for a while. I think I know what I'm doing. How's Luca?" 

"Still sleeping but I have the notebook for him. Very thoughtful." Maeve smiled at the knowledge that she had Dr. Martin's respect. "I would like to thank you again for helping us. If you had not been there, Luca would be dead and I would have followed." 

"You don't need to thank me. I did it, because it was the right thing to do." She saw headlights and looked out the window. Thierry had to head back hours ago, so it wasn't him. "Someone's here. Call me when you guys are safe, oh and thanks for not killing anyone." 

"Of course and Maeve, if you ever need anything, we will help you." Dr. Martin promised before ending the call. 

She watched the window with a weird sense of hope. Everything at Gilbert house had settled and thanks to Maeve's intervention nowhere else was caught in the crossfire, only a slightly traumatized witch who now has their magic back. Maeve didn't even know it was gone. Love being out of the loop.

She opened the door before they could knock. "Hi, Jenna?" 

"Ummm. Hi." The poor woman looked like she was on the verge of an emotional breakdown. "You didn't know about Isobel right?" 

"I got town like a week ago. I don't know half of what's going on." Maeve appraised the woman. "Would you like some tea? Or liquor? I have both." 

"Yes, thank you." The woman walked in and Maeve closed the door after her. 

"Talk to me, Jenna." She brought out a bottle of vodka and put the kettle on the stove. 

"Isobel is Elena's birth mother and Ric's dead ex-wife." Jenna said bluntly. 

"Yikes. I'll get the shot glasses instead." Maeve poured the woman a shot. "Dead? So vampire. Does Elena know that you know about the supernatural?" 

"No. Jeremy was worried, so we decided to keep it a secret. I also want to know how long she plans to keep things from me. Thank you." Jenna grabbed the shot and took it without hesitation. 

"What about Alaric?" Maeve continued making the tea. 

"Also keeping me in the dark. What about you? Any problems we need to drink too?"

"Oh I have many problems. Damon and Stefan are excluding me from the problems right now. I didn't even know they had killed Elijah or that Bonnie lost her powers." Maeve eyed the shot glass warily. She was a little weak after the magic she had done tonight and that meant she probably shouldn't

"Why are they excluding you?" Jenna poured more shots. 

"If I tell you, can you promise not to spill my secret to anyone?" Maeve really liked the older woman and for some reason she trusted her. 

"You are the only one who's honest, so yes." Jenna didn't hesitate.

"It's a long story but the short version is that I am the reincarnation of Elijah's dead little sister." 

"Wowza." Jenna looked at her curiously, no malice. 

"I don't really have memories of that time but apparently they will come." Maeve sipped her tea. "I'm still me. The same person who helped Elena when she was kidnapped. The same person who sat by Rose's grave, and the same person who helped Tyler and Caroline." 

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