Chapter Forty-Three

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*Maeve Miller*

Dreams can hurt you. Anyone who says differently is a liar. 

Her heart pounded as she stumbled over unsteady feet into unsteadier hands. 

Someone was speaking, but the words weren't making sense. 

She blinked up at them owlishly before looking down at the blood coating her hands, and more startling, the blood on her once white dress. 

The ringing in her ears got louder, and she cried out in pain. 

"Maeve?!" Sound finally broke through and she looked into Henrik's concerned eyes. "Maeve, are you okay?"

She nodded her head and wanted to vomit at the motion. She swayed some more and colorful cursing could be heard. 

"We need to move Rik." Marcel pulled her back into his arms. "We aren't safe here." 

"No where is safe." She spoke for the first time, voice raspy. "We need to..." 

"Maeve!" She heard as her vision darkened. 

"Need to..." She finally let the darkness consume her. 

She woke in a cold sweat, panting like she had just run a marathon. Her hands shook as she tried to forget the way the blood felt against her body. 

"He won't be awake." She sounded breathless as she eyed the phone, a promise tugging at her heart.

"Damn it." She hissed and grabbed the stupid phone, at the stupidly early time in morning.

She dialed the number without thinking. 

"Princess, I love you, but it's four here." His voice screamed morning, and she leaned towards it.

"Already on the L-word, huh?"

He groaned into his pillow. 

"Don't worry, I L-word you, too."

"You stubborn, beautiful women." More rustling. "You okay, doll?"

"Bad dreams." 

He sighed. "I'm sorry I'm not there to fight them off." 

"I'm sorry I had to leave." 

He stayed silent for a moment. "One day and I'm not saying soon, but one day you won't have too. I'll wait for that day Maeve."

"Ash I'm on a clock. I may not be around when that day comes to pass." Her fingers dug into her palm, the future still playing on repeat in her mind.

"I'll wait for you Maeve." He spoke firmly. "Now tell me what's bothering you." 

So she did. Asher may have started off as an Ass, but he always listened. He probably knew her better than she knew herself. 

Asher knew Maeve Miller, and that's something not many people have the privilege of saying.

They talked until the sun came up. She told him about Kol, and he listened while she cried, whispering the same soothing words that he had mastered. 

She listened as he talked about the town she left behind, giving her updates on even the smallest things. 

They both always circled back to the same words. "I'm sorry." 

"Let's make a deal, Princess. No more sorrys." He spoke towards the end of their call. "Life sucks, but I'm not sorry I met you." 

"I'm not sorry I met you either." She pulled herself out of bed. "What can we say instead?"

"How about Socks?" 

Maeve MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now