Chapter Thirty-Eight

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*Maeve Miller*

Maeve hated mornings, especially when there was no coffee. Add in that it felt like negative twelve outside, and she wasn't in a good mood. 

Her drive consisted exclusively of swear words and wrong turns, reinforcing the thoughts that screamed she could do online school. However, Maeve was no quitter, and that meant she would push through, at least until she got herself expelled for some reason.

Now, she couldn't promise that one wrong comment wouldn't cause her to light someone on fire, but isn't there something fun about the unknown? No? Too bad. 

She parked towards the back of the small lot and frowned. This school was tiny, like Mystic falls divided by four tiny. It would make being the new kid here suck. 

A fake smile plastered itself on her face and she walked into the school with that trusty mask slipped on. A woman sat at the desk bored. She didn't even look up when Maeve entered. 

"Bell rings in three. Get to class." 

"Hi." Maeve spoke sweetly, and the woman looked up unamused. "I'm new in town, and I was hoping to enroll in school here?" 

"No." The woman snapped and looked back down. 

What do you mean no? She thought incredulously. 

"I'm sorry, is this not a public school?" She looked around for some clue. 

"We do not aide runaways, find somewhere else." 

Maeve scoffed. While she was technically a runaway, she was emancipated and not doing anything illegal. 

"I'm emancipated, brought the paperwork and everything to prove it." Maeve kept her sweet disposition despite wanting to melt the woman's phone, so she would look at her. 

The whole family betraying her thing must have worsened her temper, because she was never this hot-headed before. 

The woman finally looked up and sighed deeply. "I can't stop you from enrolling then, but some friendly advice, this town doesn't do well with new people." 

Maeve recalled her interaction with the boys last night. "I've gathered that." 

"Yes, she did." Maeve jumped as Brett appeared at her side. "Ash was down right chilling last night. Nice to see you again, Maeve."

"Brett!" She was happy she remembered his name. "Where's asshat?" 

"Asher." He gently corrected. 

"That's what I said." She waved him off.

Brett laughed. "For you." He slid a large hot coffee in front of her.

Maeve hesitated while the office lady watched curiously. "You didn't poison this did you?" 

"Nah." He tilted his head back and laughed. "Figured that would be the warmest welcome you would get." 

"Nice pun." She nodded appreciatively and drank the coffee. He held his breath for just a second before breathing out a sigh of relief. 

She pretended not to notice. Maybe it was nothing, or maybe she had just passed a test of some kind. In the end, it didn't matter. Even if he poisoned her, it's not like she had much going for her at the present moment. 

The woman seemed more content to help with Brett present, which is why she didn't shoo him off. It would be nice to have an ally, despite his loyalty being to Asher. 

Her schedule was relatively the same as Mystic Falls and this time she had all of her classes with someone she knew. No, it was not Brett.

"All I'm saying is, Ash is really not that bad, a bit on the intense side, but he means well." 

Maeve MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now