Chapter Twenty-Eight

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*Maeve Miller*

She returned with a gasp and gripped her chest as she tried to regain herself. After a spell she always felt an overwhelming sensitivity, but this was different. This felt like her heart couldn't keep up with her, and that was new.

She was still bleeding but she had other concerns. She was so focused on her breathing, and trying to make everything slow down, that she didn't notice the sun peaking through her curtains. It took too long for her to feel like everything was normal again, and she had places to be today.

She shakily stood and wrapped some cloth along her hand before grabbing her spell journal.

After writing down everything she learned through her spell she went to get ready to go to school. She wouldn't learn anything, but maybe she'll get the A for effort.

It was only after she had showered that she bothered to check her phone. She only had a single message from Jenna.

I know this is last minute, but Jer and I decided that it would be best if I finished school in Denver and he came with me. With everything going on it feels like the right thing. Call me when you get this.

Maeve blinked and then did it again. Jenna would never leave Elena.

She wasted no time dialing, and the call was immediately picked up.

"Maeve!" Jenna spoke chipperly, sounding more alive than she had in months. "I was waiting for you to call. Say hi Jer." She heard a hi in the background.

"Jenna. You're leaving?"

"Yeah. With everything that is going on it feels right. Jeremy gets to start a new school, make some new friends, and I get to start over." The woman didn't mention Elena.

"What about school? What about Ric?"

"I was accepted to an amazing program in Denver, and my new advisor seems awesome."

"And Ric?"

"Ric and I broke up." Jenna seemed unbothered. "He said it was a bad time and I didn't know how much more I could take anymore. Besides, I can't do long distance."

Her wording was off, and Maeve knew for a fact that Alaric would never break up with Jenna. If anything, she was expecting Jenna to end things due to the lying.

"And Elena? Aren't you worried about her?"

"Elena is an adult, and she can handle things. I really believe that is good for us." Jenna spoke quickly. "I'm about to get on a flight, but I will call you when everything get's settled. Alright?"

Jenna would never leave, and she certainly wouldn't call it a good thing. Maeve knew compulsion when she saw it, but something about the hopeful sound in her voice made her stay quiet. Sure, Maeve was about to lose the closest thing to a mother she had in years, but Jenna had a real chance to be happy.

"Sounds good." Maeve blinked back tears. "I love you, Jenna. Please stay safe. You too Jer, be happy,"

"I love you too kid." The line went dead and Maeve finally allowed sobs to overtake her. The one person in town who had never lied to her, never doubted her, was gone.

Maybe it was sleep deprivation, or whatever was going on with her heart, but in that moment Maeve couldn't do it anymore. In that moment she felt like someone died, and maybe they did. Elena played with two people's mind and took away their choice. Whatever they did from now on would be a reflection of that. Because the people Maeve knew would never run.

She was late to school, but no one noticed. She just sat in the back and tried to figure out when her life turned out like this. When her life became a chore, and not something to embrace.

Maeve MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now