Chapter Eight

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*Maeve Miller*

Two days later and so many things had happened. Damon was tortured and saved by Elijah. Stefan and Elena were attacked at the lake house by the scary werewolf who would no longer be an issue. Maeve stayed home and rested and waited for someone to call for her help. Running around trying to keep an eye on them was a losing battle for sure. 

Bonnie also made a semi-productive move on Elijah's witches. Truthfully, Maeve felt bad for the Martin warlocks. From what Maeve heard they were doing this to protect family and she could respect that. 

It's what brought her to today, she had expected a lot of people to knock on her door. A multitude of them actually. Jeremy Gilbert was last on that list. 

"Umm. Hi?" He said sheepishly and looked down. 

"Hi?" Maeve was just as confused as he was. "Can I help you with something?" 

"Oh, yeah." He said sheepishly. 

"Well, come on in I guess." She opened the door and he walked in. 

"Everything alright, little Gilbert?" She walked to her kitchen, and he followed her. 

 "Mostly?" He sounded unsure. 

"Well how about I make us some coffee and you tell me what's on your mind?" 

"Thank you." He seemed relieved at her behavior.

Maeve spent the next couple of minutes brewing some coffee before she settled on the couch with the boy next to her. "What can I do for you?" 

"I need help with Jenna." 

"Is she hurt?" Maeve sat up a little straighter. 

"No." He ran his fingers through his hair. "She doesn't know about anything that's going on and with more danger pouring in every day..." He trailed off. "I need something that can protect her." 

"Jeremy. I'm not a miracle worker."  She sighed. "I'm going to be honest with you because I believe that your intentions are pure. Jenna is in danger because she has no clue about what's going on." 

"We can't tell her." He didn't sound sure. 

"Why not? Are there some circumstances I'm not aware of? Is she secretly a crappy vampire hunter?" 

"Well, no." He looked down. "Elena doesn't want to." 

"I'm going to tell you a story about a friend I once had. He was a decently old vampire but in reality he looked about the same age as us." She gestured between the two of them. "He was... well, broken. He was doing the same thing that Stefan is. Hopping from highschool to highschool trying to make use of his eternity." Maeve paused. "He fell in love. Very cliche right?" 

Jeremy chuckled, and Maeve gave him a sad smile. "Why do I feel like this has a sad ending?" 

"The girl he loved was human. He loved that about her, and I did too. Leah was a light in both of our lives, we would have done anything to protect her, but we had nothing to protect her from. I was bouncing around the foster system, and Leo was bouncing around the world. We had no enemies, so I didn't think my best friend could be in any danger." Maeve paused. "The night she died Leo met with a friend who needed his help. I don't know everything, but I know that the New Orleans supernatural community was destabilizing. He wanted help in the fight." 

"New Orleans?" 

"Very big supernatural community. Not a safe place for any creature." She elaborated. "Leo refused. The girl he loved was enough to keep him out. That night she was murdered by the same vampire who wanted Leo's help." 

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